Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line


I sat there feeling so defeated. My heart had just been opened up completely for Zacky, and it seemed like he didn’t even care. The way he just walked out made me feel like I didn’t matter to him at all. He had just drunk more, said a few more words, then left like my feelings didn’t matter. But what was I expecting? He was totally straight, and one of his best friends for years just admitted he loved him as more than a friend. I guess Zack had a really good reason to leave like that.

But was Zacky totally straight? He had said he was confused, and that he didn’t want to blame his feelings on Jimmy’s passing. Did that mean Zacky liked me back? Could it be true? Or was I just pretending that there was some hope because I didn’t want to be rejected? I really didn’t know what to think. I just wanted to know what was going on inside Zacky’s head. Hopefully he’d sort stuff out soon. I had wanted to know how he viewed me for a long time now, and I’d finally mustered up enough courage to ask him. But I still didn’t have an answer.

Sighing, I stood up from the couch and locked my front door, feeling my heart sink as I remembered how Zacky had left. I slowly made my way to bed, not really knowing what else there was to do. After checking my phone to see that Zacky hadn’t called or texted, I put it on silent and crawled into my cold bed. My huge, cold bed. I could only hope that Zacky would one day be in it with me...
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Have a new co-author. Expect updates soon. This story is staying! :)