Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line

Surprise Breakfast

“I had to do something to keep you off my mind, and I figured it was better than eating and getting fat,” Zacky said as I ran my index finger over a shelf’s edge that was always dusty whenever I was here. Lifting my clean finger up to my eyes, I raised my eyebrows as I turned around to face Zacky.

“This is insane... I didn’t know it was physically possible for this shelf to not have dust on it...” I joked, making Zacky laugh that sweet laugh of his. My face lit up as butterflies filled my stomach from seeing him happy. “You know, that’s the first time I’ve seen you happy since...” I trailed off, not wanting to speak of it but knowing he’d know what I was going to say.

“I was happy last night,” he stated. A smile crept uncontrollably across my face from the sweet memory.

“That’s good. But anyway, I came here to eat, so let’s get to it, shall we?” I suggested after the moment of silence we had just had. I was right; cooking for Zack and then watching a movie with him was the perfect way to start our romantic relationship. To me, it already seemed like we were a couple who had been in love for years, but I guess that was just because I had known him for years. I moved over towards the bench where I had put the food out. “What would you like to start with?”

“Oh gosh... Too much to choose from...” he said, really exaggerating that I shouldn’t have done this for him. “Start me off with some yogurt, babe.” I looked up from the food and met his green eyes. Did he really just call me babe?

“Sure...” I managed to say before handing him a yogurt and also getting him a spoon. I got myself an apple before turning on his radio that sat next to the fridge. An unfamiliar rock song blasted from it and, satisfied with the radio station, I walked back over to Zacky to sit next to him.

“Do you feel like I’m moving too fast?” he suddenly blurted, shocking me. “The ‘babe’ just kinda slipped out... It just feels so right...”

“Are you kidding? I’m fine, Zack. Seriously. It’s like we’re going slow, but faster than slow because we already had a friendship before we started going out, but we’re not going fast... If that made any sense...” I tried to explain my feelings, but it really hadn’t worked.

“Yeah, I think I understand what you mean. We can go fast because we already know each other well and trust each other, but we’re not rushing things,” Zacky said a lot simpler. I nodded slowly, realising that was exactly what I had wanted to say. We sat in silence as I crunched on my apple and he swallowed his yogurt slowly, both of us finishing at the same time.

“Would you like a bagel?” I asked as I put the apple core down on the bench.

“I’d like a kiss...” Zacky smirked mischievously and I couldn’t help but smile back. How on earth was I supposed to resist that opportunity? I stood up and took a few small steps towards him until I was in the right position to lean forward. My right hand gently touched his left cheek, angling his face towards mine. I closed the gap between our lips and felt the unbelievable happiness fill my stomach as his soft lips were pressed tightly against mine. As I kissed Zacky’s strawberry yogurt tasting lips again, I felt him smiling into it, clearly enjoying my actions. I took another small step forward and kissed him again with more force, our lips slowly parting to let our tongues join in on the action. The kiss became extremely passionate as our tongues tangoed and I moved my hand down from his face, trailing it lightly down his neck and onto his chest.

A loud banging noise broke me away from Zacky’s tender lips. Shocked, I looked to my right, where the sound had came from, only to see a man in overalls standing at the kitchen window.

“Oh, that’s the locksmith,” Zacky quickly said, leaping up out of his chair and racing to the door, blushing like crazy. I chuckled quietly to myself as I grabbed a bagel to munch on while I waited for him to talk to the man.

“So why do you need them changed again?” I heard an unfamiliar voice ask.

“My crazy ex-girlfriend stole and copied my spare key,” Zacky answered seriously, only to be followed by the other man’s laugh.

“Sure... Girlfriend...” he said, making me almost choke on my bagel. Zacky soon returned to the kitchen, straight away turning the radio off. I guess that noise as well as our intimate session hadn’t helped him in not hearing the locksmith knocking at the door. He seemed annoyed, though I don’t know why.

“What’s up?” I questioned and Zacky turned around from the window to face me.

“Nothing... I’m just... slightly embarrassed...” he admitted, his cheeks turning a little pink.

“Wow... This is going to go really well when we come out to the guys,” I commented before stuffing my mouth full with more bagel. If Zacky couldn’t handle a stranger knowing he was gay, how could he handle his best friends who he was in a band with knowing?

“Help me get over it then?” he suggested as he grabbed a banana. My eyes became fixated on the banana as he held it firmly in his hand. I gulped as my mind starting wandering, thinking about all of the things he could do... A hand moved in front of my eyes, making me blink a few times before I looked up at Zacky. “Were you seriously just thinking about what I think you were thinking about?”

“Maybe...” I giggled, poking my tongue out. “But anyway, I’ll help you be comfortable with being gay. It’s easier than it looks.” I tried to comfort him with his new realisation, but I knew it was actually harder than it seems. But I did mean it when I said I would help him. I would try my best. I wanted Zacky more than anything. Hell, I had for years now. I wasn’t going to let go of him that easily. Zacky smiled, showing me he was feeling better about it, before he took his time peeling the banana and then putting it in his mouth, evoking a small response from my pants area. Oh jeez... And this was supposed to be an innocent and sweet breakfast.
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