Status: complete.



It really wasn’t much of a decision; the human girl I fell in love with, or the people I’ve known since I was born. I didn’t consider any of them my family. They cared not for me but for themselves, and their wants and needs; typical faeries.

Beth knew about me. She knew the moment she saw me; I looked exactly like her brother’s killer.

Faeries are an odd specimen; horrid creatures, if I’m honest. We are capable of a lot; manipulation, brain control, whatever you want to call it. That is what my father did best; manipulation.

His ‘initiation’ into the faerie life was one no faerie, present or future, would ever forget. He killed a four year old boy. Yeah, yeah, faeries do it all the time, I know. But, this was different. He had walked in on the mother, Eden, reading to the child. That was his first mistake. Faeries can never kill when another human is watching, it’s a clan rule.

However, he carried on as if nothing was askew. I won’t get into details, it’s too gruesome to repeat, but long story short he wiped the minds of everyone who knew the child; except his mother, Eden.

That four year old boy was Beth’s little brother. She had been 9 at the time, I believe. Her mother was spiralling into a depression no one knew the reason of. All Beth knew was that her mother insisted that she had a son, Jared, who had been murdered. No one knew what Eden was talking about. She ended up getting admitted in a mental institution. She committed suicide there. How the doctors never saw it was beyond the average person’s mind. Know what happened? My father happened.

After Eden died, Beth remembered everything and was in her mother’s shoes a few years earlier. She was on the same path as her mother too, however she never mentioned her deceased brother to anyone. She went straight to the option of suicide to solve her problems.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, Beth.

The Dress Looks Nice On You - Sufjan Stevens