Status: complete.



My ‘specialty’ is somewhat like my fathers, except I can sort of scan the minds of those around me. I can make them think something else, which was helpful when I found Beth downing a bottle of pills like it was water. I didn’t make her forget about Jared; that was a cruel thing to do. I would be simply prolonging her brother’s death. When Beth grew old and died, who knows if the next family member would remember that? I wasn’t going to let that happen.

So, I acted as a counsellor at her high school. I made Beth come to me using the ‘power’ I wished I never had. She told me everything, of course, and I told her who I was. At first, she hated me. I let her. After a while of the daily counselling appointments, she came on her own will.

Things carried on nicely, better than I ever thought, and I fell in love. I am blessed beyond belief that the wonderful girl I fell in love with had the same feelings for me.

So, as I walk down the driveway from my ‘home’, I feel as if a weight is gone. I no longer need to hide my feelings; I no longer need to expend energy to cover my thoughts from others. I no longer need to pretend. It was true bliss.

The walk was more like a dream. There were no more lingering feelings from the other clan members that ruthlessly flipped through my thoughts. I was free to do as I wished.

The forest where I met Beth every evening was no different than before; the fallen leaves that lay on the forest’s floor were still the dull brown they had been yesterday. I saw her there, lying on the leaves, just like she always did when she waited for me. Today, however, instead of walking to the human girl I was seeing secretly, I was walking towards the girl I loved. The girl I’d do anything for.

I was walking towards my future.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope I did this nicely. I kinda like it, actually. I've been having dreams about evil faeries, too. It's scary. Maybe I'll write something about Adrian's father.

Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg (this kid's got the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. *-*)