Status: progress

Set Me Free


"If you really love something set it free, If it comes back to you, it's yours, and if it doesn't it was never yours to start with"

I sat on the park bench thinking watching the lovers stroll by, some with kids and some far far to young. Some parents sat near by watching their children hop around like monkeys, and it seemed this fine afternoon I was the only one alone.

I watched the trees sway slightly in the breeze and I listened to the leaves rustle for hours, just glad to be in the peaceful serenity. Nature had no secrets, and secrets were like a cage. A cage that would never, had never, and will never give free; unless of course, people find out your secrets.

Thinking about cages and secrets I paused, almost in shock and considered, what about a butterfly? A butterfly in captivity is not free to live, or free to fly; however, once let out it flies anywhere it pleases. Touching the lips of flowers, and breaking through any barrier it may face. And like butterflies secrets are beautiful, but during this day and age, they are not meant to be kept. There is no such things as secrets.

set me free