You're A Football Jock. I'm just your Neighbor.

Mother, Sister and I

"So.... you're getting married." Charlene's mother said quietly almost to a whisper.

Their mother always was on the heavier side, she was like soft plump pillow. You can just tell she was a mother because she always had a homey vibe about her. She has rosey cheek and a smile of an angel and her eyes were a deep green color that seems to always switch around to blue or brown. She was pale like the rest of the family and has red hair.

"Yes, mom. You been asking that for the past three minutes...." Charlene's older sister, Ali mumbled back.

Ali was a beautiful child of the family. She was homecoming queen in her senior year and also prom queen. Unlike her siblings she was born with natural blonde hair and blue eyes. Ali has some what of a cupid's arrow and a straight nose. Oh how Charlene wanted to be like her older sister so much, she was perfect beyond words. Charlene remembered that when Ali was in high school she had a different boyfriend any one and a half weeks.

Charlene shifted slightly in her seat in the middle of the two, uncomfortable with how things are going. It was too quiet and she didn't like it one bit.

Well, she was more scared then nervous, knowing how both of them have a hot temper.

"Um, I got homework.... I'll go to my room..." Before she could get up two hands on either side grab hold of her wrists and kept her down in the chair.

"NO, STAY!" Her mother and sister shouted out in union, giving her murderous looks.

Charlene shrunk back into her chair and felt sweat tickle her hairline.

"Sorry.... Ali, I think you should tell mom the reason why and all that..."

She was met with silence.

"Mom, he's a very nice guy... You see the car outside? He bought that for me on my 21 birthday and you know damn sure that any guy I ever date treats me like a princess."

Their mom kept silence, sitting there staring at the ground.

"Do you love him.....?" She whispers out softly.

Her sister had a shocked look on her face.


"I asked you, do you love him?" This time louder.

Ali straightened her posture and without even holding back she said,

"Yes, very much."

Their mother got up and started walking out of the room.

Charlene looked at her sister in confusion, only to be met with the same expression.

Her mother came back with a small wooden box and sat back down on her chair.

"You know... I've been waiting for that day when you get serious with someone." Her mom smiled gently looking at the box on her lap.

"When I brought your dad home to see your grandma she did the same things with me. She asked me the same thing... I was so nervous but when she asked me that without even a stutter I told her I love your dad."

Their mother opened the box and revealed a small four leaf clover.

"This ring brought luck to our family for generations and it's passed down when the first daughter marries."

Ali was struck silent, mouth open like a fish on land.

'I-I- don't know what to say..." Ali blushed, it wasn't that their mother never talked in this loving tone but the fact that she is handing down something so important to her made Ali flustered.

Their mother smiled, her cheeks also turning a jolly red. She took Ali's hand and gave her the ring,

"I want you to treasure this honey and if your husband does anything to hurt you, you just pack your suitcase and come stay with me you hear?" As she said that their mother stood up and walked towards the kitchen quickly yelling out for them to wash their hands and get ready for dinner.

Ali and Charlene walked up the stairs, both silent.

After a while of dead silence Ali spoke up, "So I heard from mom you have a little crushy, crush." She winked at Charlene.

Charlene's face immediately turned cherry red.

"It's not a crush."

"AH! But your mind went to think of that person right? Aweee young love!"

Charlene glared at her sister but she couldn't help but to realize that her sister was right, her thoughts did go straight to Mark.

Charlene couldn't believe shes asking her sister, oh her beloved air-headed sister this but sometimes things are easier if you just lower your pride. She had to accept the fact that she does like Mark and she will handle it calmly!

Clearing her throat she managed to stutter out, "Can you give me advice......?"

Ali smiled wickedly showing her perfect white teeth. "I'd love to."

If only Charlene knew what she had gotten herself into.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh my beloved readers, finally an update after a week or so.... This chapter is a plot explosion! This is the chapter that builds up to everything! So believe me when I say that next chapters are going to be BAM BAM BAM!