You're A Football Jock. I'm just your Neighbor.

The War begins?

After a day or so listening to Ali's advice Charlene decided it was time she put the plan to work. It was free time in class and in the corner of the classroom Charlene continued to glance at Mark as she remembered what her sister told her to do.

"Grow some balls!" She heard Ali's voice shout in the back of her head.

With determination, she stood up and accidentally shoved the chair back causing it to make a loud, screeching sound.

The classroom went quiet and everyone stopped what they were doing to face toward her, all of their eyes pinning her down and most importantly Mark's eyes also were on her.

Immediately Charlene lost what her sister called 'balls' and shoved her hands in her pockets and shuffled nervously to Mr.Golden's desk almost tripping on her feet twice.

"Ugh, can I go to the restroom...?" She asked nervously looking down at her feet, face and ears burning from the whole situation.

Charlene didn't need to turn around to know that the student were raising their eyebrows in question.

Mr.Golden looked at her sympathetically with a small smile on his face and nodded his head.

"Don't forget to take the hall pass."

After snatching the wooden board from his desk Charlene quickly shoved passed the classroom door and dashed to the bathroom.

"This is why I never listen to Ali's advice! It always leads to self destruction!" she said out loud not caring if anyone had heard her.

"Damn you Ali."

Once she got to the bathroom door she quickly shoved herself into a stall and sat there in a fetes position, shoving her face into her knees, ignoring the fact that the floors was full of germs and what not.

"Why am I so stupid.... What's wrong with my luck?" She groaned.

Charlene shut her eyes tightly and rubbed it. The last thing he wanted to do was cry in public like this, it made her feel so damn weak and plus it'll be bad if someone walked in and gets freaked out by the sound of sobbing.

She sat there and pondered for a while if the tears were either of frustration or just pure desperation, after a while she decided it was self pity. Where was ice cream when she needed some?

Staring at the checked floors blankly Charlene was lost beyond words, she was sick of laying around pitying herself and not doing anything to truly help the situation. Even with her sister's advice, what good can it do for her? She was a clumsy mess with no sex appeal plus it doesn't help the fact that her face probably looked red right now.


No more pitying herself.

She had to do this the right way.

Her own way.

Charlene stood up and opened the stall to look at herself in the mirror.

Her strawberry blonde hair was tied neatly in a pony tail behind her back, her face framed with glasses, she wore a maroon pull over with some collage name printed on it and plain, worn out light blue jeans. This was the problem, she noticed. No... Her personality's also a problem.

What is perfect anyways, did she have to look like a slut to be perfect? Pulling her hands into fists, Charlene was determined to show the world that she didn't have to change anything about herself in order to get Mark to notice her for more then a friend.

"There's no such thing as perfection." Charlene smiled.
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Well, what else can I say? I'm excited to make Charlene stronger! Woot woot!