You're A Football Jock. I'm just your Neighbor.

Asking the devil himself

They heard a slight knock on the door.

"Charlene, honey! I just got a call from the dentist, he told me to bring you to his office to remove your braces!"

"What? But I just got them this summer...." Charlene mumbled to herself in disbelief.

"Well, yeah. but think about it! You already had straight teeth!" Ali rolled her eyes.


"It feels weird without braces..." Charlene says licking her teeth, feeling the smooth surface with her tongue as she sat in the car.

"I don't even know why you even got them in the first place." Ali said with her eyes on the the road.

Charlene stayed silent for a while glazing over at the sun setting in the distance,
"Even I don't know why...." She lied.

Of course she knew why, Charlene just wanted to be accepted.


Not just by anyone but she wanted to be accepted by Mark.

She wanted him to know that she isn't the old awkward Charlene back then.
Charlene wanted to prove to Mark she was more then that. She wanted to be someone Mark wants to love.

Charlene nervously bit her lip.

That's right.

That's the reason, she likes Mark and nothing can stop her now.

Charlene twitched and played with her thumbs as Ali drove her to school.

"God I haven't seen you this nervous since we first sent you off to kindergarten!"

Charlene coughed and straightened her back.

"Of course, because today I'm going to do the most stupid and irrational thing I've ever done."

Ali couldn't help but roll her eyes at her younger sister. Dear god has this girl ever learn to loosen up and take a chance? Well, Okay, maybe she's doing that now but wow really? For 17 years this is the first crazy thing she has ever done?

Sometimes she worries for Charlene's future.
"Well do your best!" Ali shouted out the window and drove of.

"I'll try..." Charlene whimpered under her breath.

She walked slowly to her homeroom but felt uncomfortable with the stares she was getting.

When Charlene got there she she down and stared at the door.

She heard her heart pound at her chest as she waited to see Mark come in the room.

The bell rang and there was still no sign of Mark.

The class went by awfully fast.

"Maybe today's not THE day." Charlene muttered under her breath as she walked out of the classroom.

As Charlene walked she bumped into Mark.

"Hey, Char Char!" Mark said with his usual grin.

Charlene stood there shocked until she mumbled out, "Where were you during homeroom?"

"I had a football meeting, apparently there's some stupid guys who've been using drugs on the team." He said rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms.

"Ohh... Well, um... Can you meet me at my locker during lunch? I'll be waiting for you." Charlene said under her breath.

Mark tilted his head in question, "Oh, okay."

"Bye." Charlene rushed pass him to her next class.

Mark stood there confused.

As the day go by Charlene was getting more and more scared.

"One more period till lunch time..."

As Charlene walked towards her locker she felt as if she was going to dig her own grave.

When she got close to her locker she saw that Mark was already there leaning against it.

She drew her hands into fist and noticed how clammy they are.


"Hey ya! So what did you need to tell me?" Mark smiled at her.

Well there're no use backing out now.

Charlene drew in a breath before stuttering out, "I..... I need you Mark..."

"Oh god, what am I doing..." She whispered to herself right after.

Mark stood there confused, "mhmmmm?"

"I love.... you." Charlene breathed in and repeated herself once more.

"I love you too Char Char!" Mark said with a grin on his face. "This is the first time you ever said that, I was beginning to think you hated me." Mark went on talking to dead ears.

Charlene couldn't hear anything anymore, she feels the blood rushing to her head.

Charlene stared up at Mark her eyes focused on his, "I really love you."

"W-what?" Mark stepped back with eyes opened wide.

"Char Char, are you running a fever? Oh god, don't worry I got you!" Mark exclaimed as he hurriedly took a grip on one of her hand to lead her to the nurse's office.

"STOP!" Charlene slapped Mark's hand away from her's and grabbed him by the shoulders, "LISTEN TO ME! I love you Mark! I LOVE you! I always did and I want no one but you?! Why can't you see that I'm not joking!"

Mark's eyes clouded over and he stood there staring at her.

A frown slipped on his face. and his brows pushed together in a pained expression.

"I'm sorry..."

Charlene's hand slipped back to the sides.

"It's okay, I just wanted to get it off my chest..."

Silence follows.

"Well, I guess I should be going now."

Charlene spun around and started to walk away towards the door.

Mark chased after her and grabbed her wrist.

"I hope this doesn't change anything Char Char, you'll always be my lil' sister."

Charlene felt her throat go dry.

"Yeah..." She said weakly.

"Yeah." She repeated this time, voice wavering a bit.

Charlene shuffled to the 'EXIT' door that leads to the stairs.

Mark was about to stop Charlene until he felt Jessica's hand stopping him, her manicured nails digging in his skin.

"You love me, right?"

Charlene sniffed a bit as she walked down the stairs and collapsed onto one of the steps.

Charlene laughed to herself quietly, "God, I'm so stupid."

As she heard faint foot steps coming down the stairs Charlene quickly straighted up and held back her tears.

As the foot steps got closer, Carlene heard a terrified yell from behind her and a crash.


Charlene spun around to see Jake, who fell on his butt and is staring at her wide eyed.

Charlene couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Are you okay? I'm not that scary am I?"

Jake quickly sat down next to her on the same step she was on and blushed.

"I was trying to find you..." He mumbled embarrassed at himself as he looked at everything else but her.

"Oh... Well, there's no reason to." Charlene smiled at him politely.

Jake didn't say anything as he stood up from the steps, did a quick stretch and held out his hand for her to hold, "Here, I'll give you a ride home."

Charlene looked at it in caution, "I can walk home."

"After that shit today, I want to drive you home and treat you to McDonald's."

Charlene raised an eyebrow. "Why McDonalds?"

"I don't know I just hate to see people I like feel bad." Jake said under his breath, face red before grabbing her hand and walking her to the parking lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
So.... It's been a while my beloved fans. I swear that this will be the last time I am on a hiatus! I never thought this day would come but it did! Poor Charlene... How do you feel about this chapter? I might come back and re-do it someday when I have the time...
Ohhh and you should try and read my other story that is up!