You're A Football Jock. I'm just your Neighbor.

Oh, how feelings are just sisterly.

Charlene sunk into the smooth leather car seat and took a quick glance at the rear view mirror hoping to see Mark eyes on her to reassure her that the first day will be fine, but only saw a reflection of herself looking back with terrified eyes.

Nervously tugging at her sweater, she managed to stutter out. "D-damn it..." Closing her eyes she pinched the space between her eyes desperately hoping that would calm her down. Her anxiety recently has been getting worse. There's going to be so many people...

"Charlene, come on now, you got nothing to be scared of!" She heard Mark's voice as he pulled at her hands to get her out of the car.

"Listen to what he says. Stop freaking out, and let's go!" Jessica said standing in front of the car, manicured hands on her hips.

Jessica was a petite girl standing at only 5'3, her light brown hair shined in the sun and everything about her radiates warmth. When she would laugh her the corner of her eyes would crinkle and her green eyes would get glossy. Her lips was what drew her apart from other girls, her bottom lip was plump and it always mad her look like she was pouting.

Charlene sighed. Must be nice to be that pretty.

"Hello? Earth to Char Char..." Mark called out to her with the nickname he gave her when they were younger, face close to hers.

She blushed, and walked to the main entrance of the school to hide, "Thanks for the lift. I'll see you guys later."

"She's so awkward." Charlene heard Jessica say to Mark, not even bothering to whisper.

"Yeah, I know." Charlene said back to no one.

Taking a quick glance back at the couple she saw Jessica attached to Mark's arm laughing about something that Charlene would never understand and know.

Jessica caught her looking and gave her a smile.

'Don't you know that I dislike you secretly?' Charlene thought as she turned away from the couple, 'you have everything Jessica. You're well-loved, pretty, smart. oh, and don't forget the most important thing, Mark's attention.'


It's time to replay the mantra in her head again, 'Mark is like a brother. Mark is like a brother. Mark is like a brother to YOU. Stop trying to think that you and him should be together.'