You're A Football Jock. I'm just your Neighbor.

Then comes the embarrassment.

Grabbing tightly on the strap of her bag Charlene took a deep breath, and walked into the hall to find the place where they post up all of the homerooms. Standing on her tippy toes she tried to look over all of the heads. She looked around hoping to find Sydney, her closest friend out of the handful she has. Sadly, she couldn't find her, but guess who she found instead? Mark.

It was the normal get up. He was surrounded by everyone. His team mates patting him on the back and all of their girlfriends giggling together. Figures all of the cool kids hang out with each other.

"-ey, hey, hey, hey!? Can you hear me, Charlene?"

"Oh!" Charlene snapped out of her thoughts, "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"Figures." Sydney playfully rolled her eyes.

Sydney's a tall girl with short, hazel brown hair that seems to wave a little if you look too closely, and has a very loud spunky personality. Her big blue eyes pop against her freckles.

They first met in the bathroom back in freshman year, and Charlene saw Sydney in a corner shaking, on the verge of passing out. Charlene carried Sydney and ran to the nurses office. She later found out that Sydney was bulimic and what happened to her was a recurring event. After that day no matter how much Charlene avoided Sydney or told her to go away she would always say "I owe you my life, man. No way am I ever going to leave you. We are friends now. My name is Sydney Mishcan, by the way."

"Junior year!" Sydney exclaimed as she hooked her thin arm around Charlene's shoulders.

"I took the honor of checking your classes for you already." Sydney looked at her left hand, her blue eyes straining to reading the slightly smudged ink.

"You got Mr. Golden, damn good luck you got there. I heard that he was super cool."

"That's lucky! I-"

"Char Char! Who is your homeroom teacher?" Mark came up to the girls.

Sydney winked at Charlene, and dashed off. "I have to go do some stuff. Bye!"

"See you later, Syd!" Mark waved.

Charlene felt a vein pop, sometimes Sydney can be a handful, "I have Mr. Golden."

Mark's smile turned into a full blown grin, "I have him too! Another year, another homeroom together. We are destined to always be near each other or something." Mark pat her on the back.

Mark is a tall guy, standing at 6'3, with blonde hair that was styled into a spiky faux hawk. He has blue eyes that at times turn into a pretty shade of light green. Mark's skin was tanned due to hours of playing football, and on his face were these small freckles that no one seems to notice. Mark was also the nicest guy you'll ever meet. He's friends with everyone; from the popular kids to Charlene.

What do you expect anyways? He's the star quarterback and, with the Gods blessing and maybe cursing her at the same time, Mark is her neighbor.

"Well, I'll see you in class then. Gotta go meet up with the coach before he throws a hissy fit!" Mark made a face.

Just as Mark walked away Charlene suddenly felt a burning of a stare on her back and she froze.

"You guys sure are close." Jessica walked up to Charlene.

Charlene looked down, somehow feeling guilty, "Yeah..." Jessica must have known for a long time now that Charlene pines after her boyfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
So you guys are now introduced to a new character.
if you must know.. Carmander is Mark's nickname for Charlene and Char Char is just a shortened version of it.