You're A Football Jock. I'm just your Neighbor.

So the dance is coming up.

Charlene almost wanted to collapse on her knees and thank the heavens when the bell rang. She couldn't stand the guilt.

"I guess I'll see you later." Jessica said before walking away.

By the time she found the correct room for Mr. Golden's class Charlene was already late.

Charlene walked in and she felt her ears burn. Everyone's eyes were on her. The there was a spiking sensation on the back of her neck.

"You must be Charlene, it's okay to be late on the first day. Sit down in any available seat." Mr. Golden said with a gentle smile on his face. Thank god, he was nice.

She looked around the room and found an empty seat in the corner.

"My name is Mr.Golden, and by golden, I mean I am really golden," Mr. Golden grinned, "and as you can see I am horrible with jokes."

Charlene's eyes glided over the room to find Mark but she didn't see him anywhere.

"I know teens now-a-days like to use text lingo, but please, this is still english class so no writing 'lol' on your essays."

The door opened to reveal Mark standing there grinning and scratching the back of his head. "Sorry to be late, Golds. But coach was bitchin' like crazy today! Like seriously, worst than when my mom when she found out my sister got a nipple piercing!"

The whole class burst into laughter.

"Settle down, everyone. Take a seat, Matthews. Stop being so loud and what you just said was inappropriate, I told you before don't bad talk about other teachers with me." Mr.Golden sighed.

Mark spotted Charlene, and quickly waved at her before turning around to talk to someone else.

A bit of time passed by as Mr. Golden explained what will happen at his class.

"If you guys haven't heard the dance is coming up. Everyone is allowed to go."

As he finished saying that, the bell rang and everyone started packing up.

As Charlene walked out of class Mark walked up to her, "Hey, what's the rush?"

"Nothing. Just a busy day."

"So, are you planning on going to the dance?"

Charlene looked at him, "I think I'll just stay home." But if you ask me I'll go. Damn her treacherous mind.

"I think you should really consider going to the dance. It's our junior year, we should enjoy it as much as possible!"

"But I told you. I don't even know what to do at the dances." Charlene mocked a dance by pointing her index fingers towards the air.

"You have to go. You'll have Sydney with you, plus the food is free!" Mark pleaded.

"I'll think about it...." Charlene rolled her eyes and smirked at Mark. "Not."
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a test tomorrow and I'm typing up this chapter. Oh dear....