You're A Football Jock. I'm just your Neighbor.

There goes my perfect record

Everyone was in a crowd surrounding them shoving over each other to watch what's happening.


"Oh shit, teacher!" Someone said in the crowd.

Gwen was a sight to see now. Her eyeliner was messed up from crying and her swollen eye was starting to turn a light purple, her lips was bruised and slightly bleeding from the fall.

If things weren't so bad Charlene would be laughing at her right now.

"That bitch did that to me," Gwen pointed at Charlene, "Just because I was pointing out the truth about her friend! I have cheer tomorrow, too! Oh god, everything's ruined and it's all. your. fault!" Gwen pointed at Charlene who is sitting there with wide eyes, still shocked about what had happen.

Charlene stared at her raised shaking hands.

It felt like an eternity before Charlene managed to stutter out. "I-I didn't know... a-and, a-and..."

"I suggest you come with me to my office, Miss."

Sydney and Charlene looked at one another and shared a nod.

After 30 minutes passed, Charlene came out with a mark on her record and a slip for a week worth of suspension then three days of detention.


At night Charlene laid in her bed staring up at the ceiling not being able to sleep. Her pillow shoved off of the bed and blankets wrinkled under tense fingers. Charlene had been rolling around her small floral printed bed for so long that she lost count of the seconds that went by. Her eyes focused on her clock watching it tick, hoping it would calm her down a bit.

Every second that went by she felt a bit more and more helpless.

Closing her eyes and pulling her blanket over her head, she tried to think of a sheep jumping over a fence but instead, Mark's face appeared.

She felt her mouth pull itself into a frown.

"He has a girlfriend and why the hell are you thinking about him? You should be crying over your perfect record." She tried to tell herself.

Suddenly her door slammed open.

"Oh my god, tell me it's not true! I heard you punched Gwen Wittergu!" Charlene heard her little sister Winter shout out like the world was ending. Charlene squinted in the dark to see that Winter's face had turned red.

Winter was a tiny eight year old. She has a ginger bob hair cut and tiny freckles on her cheeks. Like her hair she was fiery. It was ironic how her name was Winter because she was born on a hot summer's day. Maybe Charlene's parent's are just bad with naming their kids.

Charlene glared at Winter.

"Didn't mom and dad tell you not to listen to other people's business? Go back to sleep." Charlene's mood was already down in the dumps and she didn't want Winter to make it any more worst.

"It's not really a secret when mom and dad lectured you for a good hour!" Winter stuck out her tongue.

Oh did Charlene mention that Winter is also a huge bratty snob?

Offended, Charlene got out of bed then grabbed Winter and stared tickling her.

"Oh, shut up."

"You're such a boy, sis!" Winter slapped the offending hands away.

Before Charlene was born the doctor had told their parents that they would have a boy but, on a winters night Charlene was born, not Charles Jr. she was forced to wear all boys clothes her mom had picked out for the baby boy she thought was coming up until she was maybe 8.

Charlene chuckled to herself, remembering the first time she met Mark he had thought she had been a boy.

Winter's voice brought Charlene back to reality.

"So what happened anyway?"

Charlene grabbed onto her barf green sweat pants and replied hesitantly, "I lost my nerve."

Winter stared at her sister, "obviously."

"Gwen she made fun of Sydney... I had to step in." It's best to give her 8 year old sister the PG version of what had been said.

Winter gasps, enraged by what she's hearing.

"She's so rude."

Charlene sat down next to Winter, crossing her legs and rested her elbow on her knees, "Yeah, a big meanie."

"The only thing good going for Gwen is her chest!" Winter replied eagerly, arms folded in front of her chest and nodding to herself.

Charlene stared at Winter with a look of disgust.

"Kids your age shouldn't be talking like that or even thinking about it."

Winter smiled mischievously as she stood up and headed to the door, "Don't be jealous just because you're flat!"

Before Charlene could tickle Winter again she had slipped out of the door running into her room for safety.

Charlene stood there and looked down at her chest, cupping her hands against it. Now that Winter mentioned it, Charlene noticed that she really was flat.

Charlene faced turned red in a mixture of frustration and embarrassment.

"Great another thing to add to the list of things to be worried about."
♠ ♠ ♠
So this chapter is a slow one. Nothing that interesting yet but stay tuned!
I know all my chapters are short, oh wells. I'll try to make them longer!