You're A Football Jock. I'm just your Neighbor.

Meeting someone new as the truth comes out

Charlene has never been so bored in her life. The teacher was going on and on about how they should decide on what they want to do and what collage they would go to.

She had already planned out everything in freshmen year so she wasn't that interested.

She slowly doodled on her paper making random swirls until in the corner of her eye she spotted messy handwriting on the corner of the desk.

Tilting her head slightly she tried to read the writing, 'Hello! If you see this, reply!" with a smiley face.

The corners of her mouth twitched into a smirk and started writing.

'Hello. I see you must be really bored too."

Charlene had always been bad at making friends and with this way maybe it'll be easier on her.

Resting her head on her arms she thought about what the person looked like.

As the days go by the conversations between her and the mystery person got more and more interesting. Their topic ranges from music, movies, and the occasional celebrity gossip.

She also found out that they are the same age as her but she has yet to ask for a gender.

The newest message on the desk said "By your hand writing I'd say you're a girl?"

Before she could write down 'Yes' the door of the classroom was creaked opened and a handsome, messy looking guy walked in towards in telling the teacher he left his books in the room. Charlene and the tall guy made eye contact and she immediately looked away.

He walked toward her and slightly leaned over the desk grabbing the binder from under it. Before he turned and leave he glanced at the writing in the corner of the desk and quickly flashed a dashing grin at her, he walked out of the classroom leaving Charlene gawking.

The bell rang soon after and Charlene packed up her stuff still dazed about what had happen.

She was the last to leave the classroom and as she walked outside an outstretched arm blocked her at the doorway. There stood that same guy that had came in the class earlier, Charlene tilted her head in confusion.

"How may I help you?"

Charlene noticed how his teeth where straight and couldn't help but feel jealous. Her mouth turned into a slight pout and her eyebrows knitted together in frustration, how can a guy be better looking than a girl?

Charlene lowered her head making her hair cover her face, thinking that she wasn't worthy of looking at him in the face.

"Why, yes, you may help me. " He swiftly answered smirking slightly., "Are you the one who wrote on that desk?"

'Wow.... Even his voice is nice.' Charlene thought bitterly.

"You're not a TA or something, right?"

He pointed at himself. "Not at all! I'm the person you been talking to on there."

Charlene stared up at him.

"No way."

"Yes, way."

Charlene grabbed his binder out of his hand and shuffled through it.

As she looked at a random paper she said, "I could recognize this messy handwriting anywhere. So it is you..."

"Thanks for the compliment on my writing." The guy mumbled.

"Sorry, I was just shocked that's all..."

"It's okay, pretty lady."


Jake chuckled, "Most people would just say thank you."

"I- I don't know what to say. That was the first time I heard someone say that aside from my mom. Umm, thank you? And my name is Charlene by the way..."

The guy laughed, "No problemo and my name is Jake."

"Jake... That's a nice name." Charlene smiled at him.

"Aw shit I gotta run, I have band practice is in five minutes!"

Before Jake left he quickly ripped off a piece of paper and scribbled down something and gave it to her and said, "Here's my number! Text me anytime, okay?" with a quick flash of a grin he ran off.

After a while before he left Charlene was still standing at the same spot taking it all in.

'Someone called me pretty today. I never thought this day would come...'

Sydney tapped on her shoulder snapping Charlene out of her trance.

"Was that who I thought it was? Oh. My. God. Charlene! Do you know who you were just talking to just now?"

Charlene nodded, "Of course, His name is Jake and.... that's all I know."

Sydney grabbed Charlene's shoulders and shook her hard.

"You, my friend, were talking to one of the best looking guys in this school."

Charlene stared at her dimly and was slightly thankful that she wasn't talking to a rapist.

"Okay, let me put this in simpler terms for you. The hottest guy in this school is Mark and that guy who you were just talking to is the other number one of this school. Mark is the charming prince while Jake is the rebellious bad-ass prince."

"No... All he did was punch a guy, Charlene didn't do anything." Sydney defended Charlene, frowning at Jessica.

"Are you an idiot?" Jessica glared at Sydney and turned to face Charlene, "Didn't anyone tell you what really happened?"

"Yeah, I heard around... All I know is that he punched a guy but why would it be because of me? We're not even friends anymore..."

"That's not why Mark got into a fight! UGH! The reason why he got into that fight was because the other guy made fun of you and Mark out of no where punched him and started to beat him up!" Jessica exclaimed furiously, teeth gritted and perfect manicured nails dug into her palm.

Charlene shook her head, not at all believing Jessica's little out burst, "I don't know what you're saying."

"Why would I need or even want to lie about this? I'm pissed off that Mark still attached to you, Ugly Ginger!"

"I need to go see Mark."

Charlene quickly dashed out of the school door and ran to her house ignoring the yells of both Sydney and Jessica.
♠ ♠ ♠
I reached my 100th reader today! So I rushed to finish this chapter for you guys. My brain is a bit foggy right now. Anyways, you get to meet Jake, I love his character and I hope you like him as much as I do!

Ohh and you should try out my friends story, her mibba name is uhlicawa and the story is called 'Love From Afar' It's really good so check it out!