You're A Football Jock. I'm just your Neighbor.

Rain, rain go away.

Charlene deeply regretted running off like that the moment when her legs started cramping up. Her faced pulled into a pained expression, Charlene stopped for a bit and sat on the cement.

She was breathing heavily and suddenly she felt something wet hit her head.

"What the...? Oh no, no, no, no, no, no! Why now?! Please don't rain!" Just as she screamed that the droplets got heavier.

After a while Charlene was wet and cold, shivering in the streets.

Charlene sniffed and glanced at the dark gloomy skies.

"Why me? Great; just great. Is this karma?" Charlene said to herself still looking up at the sky.

The rain softly sprinkled on her face.

She opened her eyes not realizing she had closed them in the first place to only see Mark squatting in front of her, his hair damp from the rain.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here."

Charlene opened her mouth so she could ask Mark a question that made her run here in the first place but for some reason she couldn't manage to find her voice.

For some reason their faces where really close.

She sucked in a breath and looked at him straight in the face.

"Jessica told me why you really punched that guy."

Mark's face turned somber.

"I know, she texted me saying that you ran out on her and Sydney. What were you thinking? You don't even know the directions home and what if something happened to you?"

"I wasn't thinking. So my body reacted on its own and by the time I realized it I was in the middle of no where.?"

Before Mark could say anything Charlene cut him off,

"Yes, yes, I know I'm stupid, I'm sorry."

Mark stood up and held out a hand to her, smiling.

"Don't be sorry, I think I'm the one who needs to say sorry."

The rain sprinkled a bit harder and Charlene felt like she was in a movie. As if a charming prince has come to her rescue, taking her into his arms and forever love her.

Slowly her hand moved on their own and took a hold of Mark's hand, squeezing it softly.

Charlene's cheeks turned pink but she blamed it on the coldness.

She asked in a low raspy voice, "How did you know I'd be here?"

"Well when Jessica texted me I was outside taking a walk then I heard a voice scream out 'Please don't rain!' and I guess it led me to you..." Mark said eyes focused forward. But for some reason Charlene felt like he wasn't telling the truth.

She nodded slowly as Mark led the way to their neighborhood, her hands still grasping tightly on his.

"Hey Char Char, do you remember when we were smaller and it rains we'll sing a sing? You wanna sing it for old time's sake...?" Mark asked nervously looking at her in with the corners of his eyes.

Charlene smiled and started out the song in a whisper,

"Rain, Rain, go away. Come again another day because Mark wants to play."

Then Mark joined in,

"Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. Char Char wants to play."

The grip on their hands tightened.

"Rain, rain, go away. We both want to play so please come another day."

As they finished up the song the rain only came down harder and

They laughed at one another,

"I guess our song is somewhat like a curse? Oh well, I don't really care. We're both wet already so I guess it's not that bad." Mark grinned at her.

Out of no where something came out of Charlene's mouth that she never thought she'd say,

"Hey, Mark..."

"Yeah Char Char?" He asked as his head tilted.

"I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
I noticed That I always leave my chapters with a cliff hanger.... Sorry guys.
Very short chapter but I promise the next one will be longer! Please bare with me for now.
But yeah, you know the drill.... Comment and subscribe!