Status: Good Intentions.. But Should I Keep Or Kill?

Rip Tide

Arden. Nothing unordanary in this girls life, other than living in a world with no sound until the age of 14. When she's sixteen and still not talking after two years of being audible, her father sends her to the imfamous Swan's Institute for the Mute.

Carson. His father beats him and blames him for his mother deserting them. He uses other girls to forget about his mother, but abruptly stops when he meets Arden while doing comunity service at SIM.

These two have chemistry, no doubt, but what happens when they know the one they want is the one they know they can't have?

I suck that the discription thing, but I have good intentions, so give it a try? Title goes to Sick Puppies- Rip Tide. The characters, plot and anything else is mine. Please don't steal, or I will be forced to spork you to oblivial xD No joke.