
Watch The Night Sky Fading Red


The night was passing away quickly, leaving Lily standing in the cold, the world looking dark and bleak. Her eyes darted from one place to the other, not looking at one thing for longer than five seconds. She wasn't sure why she hadn't returned home; she wasn't sure why she was still awake, still standing out in the cold.

She yawned and leaned her head back against the hard brick wall. People walked past the girl, not giving her a second glance. Lily didn't mind, though. She almost enjoyed being ignored. Or, at least she did until it all she became was the girl that no one noticed.

Everyone wants at least someone to be there for them. But after five years of having almost no one, Lily had given up. She would have been happy with a friend that at least cared enough or parents that weren't happy when she left for college.

All she ever wanted was someone to just be there when she needed them to be. She sighed, and started to twiddle her thumbs, her eyes still darting around like crazy. Lily reached into her purse and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. She placed the cigarette in her mouth and lit it. She took her first puff and almost instantly regretted it.

"You know smoking's bad for you," Lily heard a voice say beside her. She slowly turned around to see who in the world was willing to speak up against her when she was already having such a bad day. The man had a small smile on his face. His hair was lustrous, dark, and sexy, and his eyes were such a dark shade of brown that they looked black in the lighting.

"So is talking to strangers," she retorted, taking another puff of her cigarette. She turned away from him, her head placed once more onto the wall.

"True, True." He laughed, but didn't walk away from his spot on the wall. He turned his face and looked at the girl as she stood there, emotionless, smoking her life away. He titled his head to the side, studying the girl. Her green eyes were dull and lifeless; her blond hair pulled back into a pony-tail that looked as if it was going to fall apart at any given time. She looked shorter than she really was because of the tilt her body made as she leaned against the wall.

The main thing he notice, though, was how sad she looked, how alone, how depressed. He almost just wanted to hug her, hoping it would cheer her up. He hated seeing people when they were so down, so alone.

Lily, having finished her cigarette, threw it to the ground and stomped on it with her foot. She started to walk away, the opposite direction from where her apartment lied. It was almost midnight and she had to be up by five in the morning, but she knew that if she went home, all she would be doing is laying awake, thinking about so many things that might—should—have been.

Suddenly the man from before was walking next to her, a smile still placed onto his face. Before Lily had a chance to ask what he was doing, why he was following her, he said, "I'm Brendon Urie." The way he spoke made it seem as if being 'Brendon Urie' was important, was a huge thing. However, to Lily's knowledge, she didn't know if it was.

"I'll keep that in mind," Lily muttered and continued to walk, her feet seeming to know where there were headed, even though Lily herself did not. Brendon looked at her, surprised by her reaction. Normally people would be jumping all over him, forcing him to the ground, trying to make babies with him.

However, she just continued to walk, as if he was just some every day man following her down the street. He must have seemed like a stalker to her. "You know, Brendon Urie from Panic at the Disco?" he said, thinking that if he mentioned the band name she would realize who he was.

"Panic… disco… what?" Lily asked, laughing. She had never heard of something so strange.

"The band? You've never heard of them?" Brendon was even more surprised, his eyes widened as he looked at her. People in Japan knew of his band, but this girl had no idea who they were.

"I listen to county music," she told him simply. Brendon just nodded and continued to walk towards no where with a girl whose name he didn't even know. Lily looked at Brendon and smiled. "So why are you following me?"

"I don't know," he told her, shrugging his shoulders. "You seemed lonely and it's midnight. So I could either follow you—wow, I do sound like I stalker—or I could go back to my hotel and hear Ryan talk about books or ice cream."

Lily laughed. "It's nice to know that I'm so lonely that I attract stalkers." Brendon laughed along with her, both of them unable to stop smiling as they walked father towards the edge of the earth.

"Good looking stalkers," Brendon said, five or so minutes later. Lily just gave him a weird look. "What? You can't deny that I'm good looking!"

"That's what you think," Lily told him. She stopped walking and sat down on the sidewalk. Brendon joined her, not sure why they were sitting in the middle of a deserted street. "Anyways, Ryan is so much hotter than you."

"Wait, you know Ryan?" Brendon said, really confused. If she didn't know the band, how did she know Ryan?

"No, but almost anyone is better looking than you," she told him, a huge smile on her face. She placed her onto the ground; her legs still "criss-cross applesauce".

"You're so mean!" Brendon said, hitting her lightly on the head. "But let me tell you, I am so much better looking than Jon."

At that very moment, somewhere, somehow Jon knew Brendon was talking smack about him. "Brendon, everyone knows that I'm so much hotter than you!" he yelled, standing up from his chair and shaking his fist in the air. Ryan and Spencer just looked over at him, giving him strange looks, but didn't say a thing.

"You know what?" Brendon said, still sitting on the sidewalk, facing a girl he didn't know anything about. "I bet Jon somehow heard what I just said and is going to kill me when I see him."

"All the more reason to stay here, stalker." Lily smiled at him, loving her new nickname for him. She spread her legs out in front of her, and shifted her body a little closer to Brendon.

Noticing this, Brendon smiled and said, "Someone sure seems to think I'm gorgeous."

"No!" Lily said, defensively. "The… the ground is just softer over here!"

"If you say so," he rolled his eyes, but smiled anyways. "What's your name, anyways?"

"Lily." She moved a little closer toward her stalker. Brendon laid down next to her, a small gap placed between the two. Lily turned and faced him. The weird smile on his face made her want to smile along. So she did.

Brendon wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. Almost instantly, Lily stood up. It had just dawned on her that she didn't know this man, that he didn't know her. Brendon stood up, too, looking embarrassed.

He wasn't standing up for long, though. Out of no where, Brendon was tackled to the ground by Jon Walker. Lily was standing in the background, cheering on the random man that had tackled Brendon.

"I'm so much better looking than you, bitch," Jon yelled as he sat on top of Brendon. "I'm Jon, by the way," he said to the girl that Brendon had been with.

"I'm Lily," she told him as Jon punched Brendon once more. She just smiled at the sight. She did feel bad about smiling—she had hugged the man—but it was too funny to resist.

"Lily, you want to get something to eat?" Jon asked, getting up off of Brendon, who was moaning slightly and rolling around the ground.

"Sure, but what about Brendon? We can't just leave him here…" Lily replied, a worried look on her face. Brendon did look like he was in pain and it would not have been nice to leave him wallowing in pain on the floor.

"I'll take him home," a man named Ryan Ross said, appearing out of no where. He walked over to Brendon and helped him up. "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye Lily, bye Jon," Brendon said in a whispered, using Ryan as support. It would have been a lot easier if Ryan wasn't so small.

"Wait, Brendon," Lily said, walking over to the slowly moving Ryan and Brendon. "It was nice meeting you." She turned away; about to walk over to Jon when something caught her eye. "Look!" she exclaimed, grabbing Brendon's arm lightly and pointing at the sky. "The sun is rising! That's my favourite time of day, you know."

"Man, you county music liker's are weird," Brendon said, shaking his head and laughing.

"Is that so?" Lily asked, inching closer to Brendon, his head placed on Ryan's shoulder. Brendon leaned in even closer to Lily, closing the gap that was placed between the two of their faces.

"Yes," Brendon said as they parted.

"I should go…" Lily muttered and walked over to Jon, who was just standing there with a weird look on his face. The two of them linked arms.

Ryan and Brendon walked one way, Jon and Lily the other, but neither Lily nor Brendon able to stop thinking about the other.

Jon just looked at Lily, noticing the happy smile on her face. "So how does sushi sound?"
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Lovely banner by the amazing Lily, who this story is dedicated to. Thank you all for reading and I hope you liked it!