Clear Visions 1


Derrick wanted to scream. He couldn’t. He was too scared to scream. It was like he didn’t know how to scream anymore. As he looked at the man he closed his eyes and tensed. He was preparing for pain. The last time he had seen this man he had extreme levels of it. So much he thought he was going to die. It was this man who had killed his friends. This man who he had only just escaped from. It was this man that he feared more than anyone. And why? Because this man had been the only one to literally have the power to end Derrick’s life in whatever way he had felt at the time. The only man who had been able to get everything out of Derrick and the only man who had made him scream and beg for mercy and forgiveness when he had done nothing wrong.
‘I know you’re scared Derrick. But you don’t need to be. Not of me anyway. This time I am not going to hurt you. I am only here to show them where you are. Show them where you’re hiding. You know the smart thing to have done have been to listen to your girl.’
Derrick looked at him. What did he mean by that? He had been listening to their conversations? How long had he been following them?
‘What you mean by that?’
The man laughed. It made Derrick shiver. He made no attempt to hide it. He already knew Derrick was scared. He already knew how scared. He also knew he was in complete control. Otherwise he wouldn’t have just walked in the house. He knew he was going to win. So did Derrick. He saw no point in fighting. Fighting, arguing or even objecting would be the stupidest thing he had ever done. The simplest thing to do was just sit around and let what was going to happen, happen. Last time he had only just escaped with his life. This time. He was older and much less healthy.
‘You know what I mean so don’t play games Derrick. When she said you should stay in England. We couldn’t touch you there. Nor could we touch your son. Now though, we can touch you both’
Derrick gulped at the mere thought of them hurting Shane. He wanted to beg for them not to. That would make it worse. They probably didn’t have Shane. They were probably just playing games. Playing games with his head, telling him these things to keep control. Well their technique was good. He wasn’t going to hide it.
‘You coming or are we going to make you come?’
He couldn’t stand. He knew if he tried to get off the sofa he would collapse. They were going to have to make him. Though he didn’t want that either. He knew that meant pain. And high levels of it. As four more men walked in he gulped. Took a deep breathe, stood and collapsed.
One of the men walked over and kicked him. He felt the boot in his ribs like it was a bus. He sat up only to be knocked down by he mans fist. He tried again this time he got a boot in the stomach. He didn’t try again. There was no point. Whatever he did he was going to feel pain. So he might as well not fight and then maybe he would feel less of it.
The other men came over and picked him up dragging him across the carpet. He felt it burning on his shin. He didn’t wince with the pain. He knew this was just the start. Just the beginning and the least pain he was going to feel. They took him to the door and opened it. He closed his eyes broke free from their arms and as they looked at him he found the energy to speak.
‘Let me leave a note for Jenny please’
They all looked at each other and then at the first man who nodded. He walked to Derrick and kneeled down.
‘Of course. You want to leave something for your fiancé. To tell her your not going to be back, but you made the effort to come home. I can do that. I can let you. Its only fair on the girl’
He looked at the men who were holding him and nodded then they dropped him. The first man picked him up and carried him towards the phone table where they kept the note pad.
‘If we’re doing this, we’re gonna do it properly. You’re going to leave her something from the heart’
Derrick looked at him nervously and saw him pulling out his knife. He closed his eyes.
‘Now you sure you wanna do this?’
Derrick nodded as the man took his arm. Seeing his approval he cut into his hand and showed him what to do.
After he had finished writing the man dragged Derrick back over to the other men who then dragged him out to a car. They opened it and threw him in the back closing the door and driving off leaving the first man outside to walk.