Clear Visions 1


Jenny walked home from the park. She hated Derrick working. Especially now. He was working such long hours. He hardly had time for her or Shane. This is why she hadn’t wanted him to take the promotion. Not because she didn’t want to come back to America. Being honest she hadn’t really minded that at all. She liked England but she had missed the sweet warm Floridian air. What she hadn’t wanted was him to go back to work, work ridiculous hours just to run a business. It wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t earning that much more.
She thought about it whilst pushing Shane. He was his own boss. He could work his own hours. So why didn’t he work more convenient ones? Why didn’t he come home earlier. Work nights if ha had to. Why did he come home at damn near 9pm and then say he was tired, have dinner and go to bed and complain when Shane made the smallest gurgle.
He was hardly the man she fell in love with. Why had she tried to love him? She should have known he couldn’t be a dad before she had let them get this far. Well she had hope. As she crossed the street she saw his car in the drive way. He had come home early. She smiled and walked up the steps to the house and opened the door which was unlocked. Strange thing was he never left the door unlocked. No matter what.
She took Shane out of his push chair and carried him into the living room laying him on the blanket which they usually had on the floor for him. She knelt and kissed him. The house was quiet. Too quiet but she didn’t notice until Shane fell asleep in her arms and she had carried him to his crib. It was also then she noticed Derrick wasn’t in the house.
She couldn’t believe it. He had gone to the effort of bringing the car home just to go out again. What was the point. She walked over to the phone desk and pressed play on the message button. As the messages spoke to her she saw it.
From then on it was silent. The house, Shane’s cries, the phone. Everything. She went cold. It was awful. A pool of dark liquid on the table and a letter written in what looked like blood. She picked it up and read it.

Its Derrick. I love you. I never want you to forget that,
I wanted to be here when you got back. I did, really and
I am so sorry things didn’t work out that way. In this
case I cant blame myself. Look I’ll explain. I came home
for you. And these men were here. I cant tell you their
names or thryll kill me. But they have me. I begged to
write this letter. Mainly to say good bye. I think it
will be the last chance I have. I love you, I always
will and I will miss you so much.
Please don’t forget me.
And don’t ever let Shane.
My heart will always belong to you.

She felt a tear run down her face and from that moment on she couldn’t think why she had even thought about Ben. What she needed was Derrick. What she was going to miss was Derrick. How was she going to sleep? What did they want? Surely they weren’t just going to kill him. What had he done? All that made them want him dead was his father. His fathers money. His families wealth. Surely they wanted the profit from that. If they just wanted to kill him they would have done it there and left him.
There had to be something to say where he was, or what they wanted. Surely. She turned over the page to see it continued. Only this time the writing was different. Though still in blood.

I must say, so far he’s holding out well. When
I had him before he screamed long before this.
You been a good bitch and teaching him how
to take his beatings? What I like to see. Now.
What do we want? That’s always the question.
His father knows. His father has always known.
Its never been a question of who or where.
Its when and what. Talk to his father
or lover here, he’s dead.

She cried. She knew his father wouldn’t help. He had never cared about his kids. Never cared if they lived or died. None of it had ever bothered him. It was a bonus if they were alive cause they could make him more money. The only thing he had ever cared about. So what was she going to do? She had to get in touch with his dad and hope. Hope for some miracle and hope his dad cared more this time than he did last time. Though she knew that chance wasn’t there. She could try and take it. Other wise she would either have to let her future husband die. Or find some way to get him out of it. Which would probably mean losing someone else. Which could be Shane
She held the letter in her hand and walked over to the sofa where she sat. She didn’t want to think about it. All she knew is she wasn’t going to leave him now. Not for Ben and not for anyone. She wanted to cry. She wanted to cry because the man she loved the most was gone. She knew it wasn’t her fault. But she couldn’t help question. If she hadn’t called him home, if she had got home first. Would this have not happened? Could it have been avoided at all? Without hurting her or Shane. Right now she didn’t care if she died so long as she got him back.