Clear Visions 1


Derrick felt a hand go over his mouth and eyes as he was pulled out of the back of the van which they had thrown him in. He felt them move him from where he was. They were pulling him along the floor. He only knew because of the cold gravel. He heard a door open. It sounded heavy. They dragged him inside and he shuddered as he heard the door slam and echo from it. It felt like he was somewhere he didn’t want to be.
It felt like he was in a prison.
The typical kind of prison which you saw on TV. Only he knew if he was this would be worse than those. These guys weren’t cops. Nor did they make the smallest effort to pretend to be. They were criminals. They hated him they were angry and most of all they were blood thirsty. They wouldn’t stop till either he was dead or they got what they were looking for.
He sighed. He knew that death was more likely as what they wanted was something they were never going to get. They wanted money in high quantities. The only person who had that much money who could pay to save his life was his father. He knew the sad reality of it was that his father wouldn’t give up $3 to save his life never mind thousands maybe even millions.
His father had never cared for anything but the money which went into his bank account. Ever since he had made that lucky break and got rich he hadn’t cared for his family and it was clear to see. The only thing he had ever insisted when Derrick was young was that he was away from him as much as possible. He had always told him it was because he was busy and he wanted what was best for Derrick and the family but the truth had been clear. He wanted to be alone so no one could disturb him and his plans for more and more money.
Who was he to complain? He was in his 20s and was near the highest position which he could be. One more promotion and he would be running his own studio and not running the Florida branch for someone else. 22 and he had a son a family and a nice house. He could afford to wrap his son in the finest silk blankets and for him and his wife to sleep under Canadian goose down Duvets. Not many people of his age could have that.
In fact most people would spend their lives working for that life style and never earn it. He had earned it without trying. He felt bad. Though the feeling felt so good. Up until now that was when he was being dragged down stairs, cold metal stairs confirming where he was. Now the money which he had loved so much for so long seemed not to be worth this.
As he reached the bottom of the stairs and felt himself being dragged along the floor and into a far cell and hearing the door slam as he was left on the floor in darkness he felt helpless. He felt as though at any time they could hurt him or worse. He felt like it wasn’t just him but now his whole family and all his friends were vulnerable. They could kill him at any time if only they felt like it and then there really would be no one to defend his friends and family.
He knew he wasn’t much help whilst he was trapped in here but he was something. A distraction if that was all he could be. That was good enough. It was something. Something which kept Shane alive and safe those extra few minutes and that was good for him. That was what he wanted. They could bring his dad down here. Bring his brother he didn’t care. But if they brought Jenny Shane or his mother down here he knew he would crack. He knew he would bend and break under the pressure. He knew he would do anything they ordered what ever that meant. Even if that meant giving his life. He knew he would do it to save their life.
The annoying thing was he knew none of that would help if that happened. He knew they wouldn’t let them live. He wasn’t there to make sure they kept their part of the deal. Why would you if you didn’t have to?
You wouldn’t.