Clear Visions 1

never loosing hope

to let it. it held the strings and you were the puppet, it was the master and you its bitch.
today she was happy for that. today it gave her orders she was good to follow. she was happy to acknowledge its bark. derrick was calling, and she was coming. she would take down the world for him and him alone. she was happy with that. more than happy.
she walked down the final path to see the van infront of the gate. she smiled in victory and opened it with only a small creak of complaint from its old iron hinges.
she walked down its steps, and to the doors which she thought were holding her man prisoner. she opened them. pulling them with all her force and might they gave to her. opening themselves to allow her access to their body. she walked through, like entering the open mouth of the serpant whose tongue she had trodden.
stood for a moment silent and listening. for a moment there was nothing only a scarey silence. then hitting herr like a sharpe jab to the face. a scream, like a rumble, in the belly of the
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snake. she walked down the iron stepped throat and into the stomach. now was where the diception of this monster was to begin. and it was going to be nasty, and happen from the inside out. she was prepared for the pain, and prepared for the fight.
the fight she knew she was right for expecting.
she headed deeper inside. not knowing what her eyes would show her. not caring. she was ready, set and on a mission.
a mission which was dangerous, adreniline pumped. a mission for which she was risking her life.
no one could say it wasnt worth it, and theyd be deemed foolish to say she was insane. for in her opinion it a mission was wirth such costs if that missuon meant the return of her happiness and life. she didnt want to abandon the strap of hope she had left. she followed the rumbling and dag deeper through the monster she was in, ran through the hell she had openly forced herself into.
the pits she was walking through. she could smell the fresh blood of the feed which it had just consumed. and she stopped. as