Clear Visions 1


Jenny opened the door quietly looking around for spies as she did. She wasn’t going to take the risk that people were watching her. She didn’t want to get hurt in doing this if it could be avoided. She closed the door with a small clang. She was surprised whoever was behind there didn’t hear. She wanted to go around and see.
Nervously she slid down the wall onto her hands and knees then crawled around the curtain. She stopped at the end of a large steel looking table which was covered in blankets which were slightly more bloodstained than the curtain. She felt sick.
She looked up to see who was there. No one only one person was there with her. And that was the person on the table. She crawled around the corner and down beside the curtain. She then stood and looked down at Derrick, who was lying on the table sobbing to himself. She put a hand onto his stomach to catch his attention.
He jumped slightly and looked up, happy to see who he saw. She had followed them here? But why? He didn’t know if to be glad that she was there, or want to punch her for putting herself in the danger which she was currently in. Whatever. He was happy to see her. She was indeed a pleasant change from the pain he usually got when people came in this cell.
She listened carefully whilst rubbing Derricks stomach. She heard something. A foot step. She jumped down under the table, a sheet over her covering her presence.
A woman walked in through the door pushing a metal trolley which had a towel over the top of it. She pushed the trolley to by the table where Derrick was lying.
‘Sweetheart, Its wakey time.’
She laughed whilst she was saying. She seemed to enjoy this job a little more than she perhaps should.
Derrick looked at her with little energy. He knew he shouldn’t ignore her. But he didn’t have the energy to look anymore.
She looked down as he looked at her. She bent and kissed his head smiling as she did.
‘I got you dinner darling.’
She laughed then walked over to the trolley taking the towel off the top. On the trolley were series of metal objects, knives, plates and to Derricks surprise food.
The woman knelt down and took some chains from the bottom shelf of the trolley. She looked at Derrick holding them.
‘Now. I need to make sure your not a bad boy.’
He shook his head to her and looked at her with a pleading look on his face. He hated them doing this. He hated the chains. What did they get from doing this to him? Why did they have to chain him, it was clear he had so little energy that putting up a fight would be impossible for him. The energy it would take to do would probably kill him.
He looked away as she walked over grabbing his hands and chaining him to the wall. She didn’t see how he could be so easy to deal with. Didn’t a man see a value in his life to fight for anymore? She didn’t really want to complain. He made her job easy. She hated having to fight people. Especially when they were quite probably stronger than her. She walked back over to the trolley taking up the plate which had food on it and a fork.
She sat on the table and started to put food onto the fork.
‘Lift your head and don’t make this difficult for me’
He did as he was told allowing her to shovel food into his mouth. He chewed it slowly. The taste was bad. He didn’t like it at all. But he didn’t complain. He needed this. They had opted not to feed him for days now. He knew he was lucky to have this.
After he had finished the food she put the plate back onto the table and took up one of the knives. She walked back over to him, holding it above him and smiling coldly. She put the blade against his cheat and bent so her mouth was by his ear.
She licked slowly sending a shiver down his spine. She pushed him down so he was laying flat, repositioned the knife and whispered into his ear.
‘And now my dear. I get my fun.’
He knew exactly what she meant by that comment. He had been here all too many times before. He knew what to expect. Pain, vast quantities of it.
She placed the knife just beside him. Leaving the point so he knew it was there. She went back over to the trolley and looked through the things on the trolley. She took out a candle and lit it putting that on the edge of the trolley. She also pulled out a bottle of clear liquid. Derrick looked over to see what she was doing. Whilst watching her he decided that he really didn’t want to know.
She walked back over a took back the knife again putting it against his chest. For a moment he thought she wouldn’t do it. She had never cut him there and she had been hesitating so much he doubted she had the guts.
A foolish thought that was, the pain was unbearable as she dug the knife in and pulled it down. Still he didn’t make a noise only shuddered a little and closed his eyes trying hard not to think of the pain.
She stared impressed by what she saw. Usually he would be at least whimpering. It seemed he had grown a back bone and was now able to take a beating worth having. She had to give him credit for that.
She left him for a minute to turn back to the table letting him bleed openly. She didn’t care if he bled to death. He was no value to her. Whatever her father said. They were never going to get the money. She had known that.
She turned around nothing fun was on that table today. She picked the knife back up and rubbed the blade up and down his chest and stomach leaving grazes along his skin.
He gulped hard. No matter what she did he wasn’t going to scream. He knew that would bring Jenny out from where she was. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want her to see what was happening. He didn’t want this doing to her. He could cope with it. He had to.
The woman put the knife down and took up the clear bottle. She poured it onto the cuts making Derrick cry in pain. She didn’t understand why he did this on the bit where she was nice to him. She was stopping him dying of infections and he was crying. She laughed then took the towel which had been over the trolley and put it onto his chest rubbing it up and down whipping away the blood and liquid.
She threw the towel down Jenny got a glance of it seeing hoe much blood was on there she nearly puked. She couldn’t bare this. She wanted to help him but she knew she couldn’t. They would blame him and hurt him more. Then they would hurt her. If that wasn’t enough then she knew Derrick would blame himself for letting her get hurt. She really didn’t want that.
The woman took up the candle and poured the wax down onto the cuts.
Derrick screamed. He couldn’t help it. It was like a burning internally. He wanted it to stop. He wanted the pain to go away. He needed it to. He couldn’t go on like this. He closed his eyes and waited to pass out or die. He didn’t know which would happen first. That second he didn’t care. He knew one was going to happen and he wanted it to hurry up and come.
Jenny saw the woman walk away and heard the door open and close. She waited a few seconds after that the jumped out from under the table and looked at Derrick, still laying there with his eyes closed she wanted to hold him. She couldn’t. That would hurt him more and she didn’t want to be the cause of his pain.
Derrick opened his eyes and looked up at Jenny. He smiled with the energy left in him. He couldn’t help but cry after. He was in so much pain, he was broken and she had seen him in such a way. He had never wanted her to see him so weak and defenceless.
She kissed his cheek. He seemed scared. She wanted to make him feel better, feel safe and comforted even if only for a minute. If she could do anything at she wanted to do it.
Jenny looked to see the woman and a man coming down the stairs. She jumped under the table as the door opened. She didn’t know if they had seen her.
The man walked over to the table and looked at Derrick. He smiled and sat on the edge of the table.
‘Now. I hear something about you.’
Derrick looked at him. He didn’t care for what this man had to say and that was clear.
‘I hear you have something for me’
Derrick didn’t have a clue what he meant. He had confused him and that was certain. What would he have which would be for him. He could only think of one thing. One which he hoped the man hadn’t realised.
The man stood and kicked under the table hitting Jenny. He then smiled and lifted the blanket which was hiding her. He clicked for her to come out. She did. Once she was out the man took her arm and threw her against the wall instructing her to stay there.