Clear Visions 1


By 11am Derrick was awake. He looked over at Jenny who was still asleep. He wanted to lay with her some more. He wanted to lay there next to her all day. But that wasn’t an option. He had to go to work. A full list of employee’s waiting to see their boss. He had to show up.
He got out of bed and picked out some clothes got dressed and went down stairs into the kitchen. He switched on the kettle. Morning wasn’t his time of the day no matter what time it was. His parents wouldn’t have classed this as morning. His mom hardly classed 9am as morning. Still. He didn’t like mornings. He was like a creature of the living dead before he had his coffee.
Jenny had more than once referred to him as being like a zombie. It made him laugh. He didn’t mind her calling him that. They both knew it was a joke. He got a cup from the cupboard and poured some coffee into it. He didn’t care for measuring it out in teaspoons. He wanted coffee and vast quantities of it as quickly as he could make a drink it. Either that or he didn’t want to be up.
The floor board creaked above him as Jenny got out of bed. Got dressed and went into Shanes bedroom. She picked up her son and carried him downstairs. Walked into the kitchen and put him into his chair. She looked at Derrick who by now was sat by the table drinking his coffee happily reading a paper and not saying a word. She knew it was best to leave him that way. He did not like morning conversation. She couldn’t really say she blamed him for that. She hated mornings too. No one could beat or even attempt to beat Derricks hates for mornings though. Before his coffee and paper he was dead. You could talk to him but if you were fortunate enough to get a reply it wouldn’t make sense. Unless you were his mother.
Still only half of what she got made sense.
Jenny read the paper over Derricks shoulder. Nothing had happened. Nothing interesting anyway. It was all made of the same old stuff. A car being stolen from someone’s drive was possibly the most interesting thing in the whole paper and that was still boring. It was really just made up if people gloating about their achievements and their children’s achievements.
She hoped she would gloat about Shanes achievements one day.
Derrick stood and walked over to the other side of the kitchen and put his cup into the sink and looked at Jenny. She was reading the paper on the table. She looked tired but peaceful. It was clear she too had had a lack of sleep. Though recently their lack of sleep had been from a crying baby this time it was from the heaven they had both experienced last night.
Derrick put his arms around Jenny then kissed her cheek gently and told her he had to go to work. She looked at him and nodded. She didn’t want him to go but she knew he had to. All good things had to end.
She watched him as he walked out of the kitchen. She listened as he closed the front door and started the engine. He hadn’t been gone 5 minutes and she missed him. She felt lonely. It made her sad.