Clear Visions 1


Derrick pulled into his new works car park. He saw the place which said reserved for manager. He pulled into it and locked the car. Apart from that space the car park was full. He presumed everyone was there then. He went inside and was greeted by a young blonde girl behind the reception desk he walked over to her smiling.
He didn’t have a clue where he was going. But how was he going to ask her where the hell he was meant to be without sounding un professional.
She looked up at him and spoke.
‘I presume you’re Derrick Harper?’
He nodded. So they knew his name already that was good. He liked this place already they seemed organised. That was what would make a good work place. Organisation was key to any form of success he had learnt that when he was young. His father had spent endless hours hammering that into him when he still had time for his kids.
He looked back at the receptionist to see her lips were moving. He hated his ability to switch off. He hadn’t realised she had said anything after telling him his name. He switched back on to hear the location of where he was meant to be. That was good. He didn’t have to ask and sound like an idiot.
He walked over to the elevator and pressed the up button. The doors opened and he stepped inside then up to second floor. He stepped out onto the floor and looked around. It seemed nice. A large man walked over to him and greeted him with a hand shake which Derrick thought might have broken his hand. It hadn’t. Derrick looked at him. He didn’t know anyone here but they all knew who he was to them.
‘Who are you then?’
‘Names Jimmie. Im the assistant in the office. Well. Actually Im the assistant and your body guard.’
Derrick looked at him. Body guard? What in hell was he working as? A spy? Was he James Bond now. He doubted it. Anyway. He wasn’t going to complain. Extra safety was a good thing. It ensured his safety which is what he cared about.
Jimmie showed him to his office and then around the building.
Derrick ended up back at his office sitting behind his desk waiting for something. Anything to happen. He sat back in his chair and thought about being at home in Jenny’s arms. Or even better still next to her in bed. It would be better than here. Where he was bored and getting ready to face a life supply of paper work.