Clear Visions 1


Derrick walked out of the office and got into the elevator and pressed ground floor. Jimmie was officially a life saver. He wouldn’t forget this. He had given him the chance to go home,. Talk to Jenny. When she was clearly very pissed at him. Which he could understand to a point. She had a fair point when she said he wasn’t there. He wasn’t. He hardly spent any time at home. Or with her. He even had to cut their phone calls shot because of work. He hated it and it seemed she didn’t understand just how much he hated it.
It looked like she seemed to think he liked being away from her. Though he didn’t. The elevator came to a halt on the ground floor and when the doors opened he got out and walked over to the main doors and out of the building into the car park. He stopped and got out his car keys and looked at his beautiful car just sitting there in his reserved parking space. He thought how lucky he was then sighed. Jenny didn’t realise how lucky they were. Or maybe their version of luck was different. He got in the car and started the engine then set off driving home.
The drive was no longer and no worse than usual. He pulled into the drive and got out of the car. He locked it and walked up the steps. He started thinking. Would Jenny be in, was she back from taking Shane out? He looked at his watch as he reached the top of the steps. She should be, after all he hadn’t been quick with setting Jimmie off. He had taken 2 hours from the phone call to get home. So surely she would be back, how long did it take to walk a baby? He couldn’t walk yet. He could crawl and gargle and that was about it. Surely it couldn’t take two hours to walk him?
He unlocked the door and opened it then stepped inside. It was quiet.
‘Jenny? I’m home!’
No reply, clearly it could take that long to walk a baby. Oh well. He would just sit here and wait for her. That would be a nice surprise for her when she got back. Give it half an hour and he would call her. And then put the kettle on and have her a coffee ready for when she did get back. She would like that. He hadn’t done that in a while. She deserved it. Even if it was for no other reason than she loved him. He walked into the living room and sat on the sofa.
He closed his eyes and began to think. Was Jenny right? Was he a bad dad? He was never there, but that didn’t mean he was bad. Just that he wasn’t good. What did being a good dad mean anyway? It was just words. Someone saying that you were no good.
His trail of thought was slaughtered when he heard the floor boards creak behind him. He span round/
He saw and went white. So it was true. The past really did come back to haunt you…