‹ Prequel: Clear Visions 1

Partying and Disaster.

Birthdays containing affairs

#Derrick looked over at Shane. Over in the kitchen. It was his third birthday party. He wasn’t a fan of kids and defiantly wasn’t a fan of their parties. But it was his son. He would do anything for him.
He tried to keep out of the kitchen and was walking round the house pointlessly looking for something to do. He heard a knock on the door and went over to answer it. When he opened it Ben was standing there with three large boxes, two of which were brightly wrapped. ‘Come in’ Derrick let Ben passed him. He new Ben was the person to be here. Why hadn’t he had the sense to call him himself? Ben worked as a child entertainer, surely he could have run the party for them? It didn’t matter now he was here and the kids were already laughing.
Derrick sat on the sofa leaving Jenny and Ben to it.
He thought. He remembered how Ben had discovered his love for kids. They were in 10th grade. The school had taken a load of the elementary school on a trip and Ben had agreed to go along and mentor. At first he hadn’t really liked the idea. When he came back he wouldn’t stop talking about it. From then on he was a natural. He made kids laugh that’s for sure. No one had ever really known how he did it. Neither did they argue. He did the job and did it well. What more could he ask for? He loved Ben being his friend. He couldn’t have asked for more. He was good with everyone.
Mature when he needed to be and childish at times like these. In fact Ben had helped him through everything and he appreciated that. He closed his eyes. He would have fallen asleep if it wasn’t for the noise coming from the table.
Jenny went to him and prodded his ribs jerking him and making him look. She nodded over to Ben who was wanting to talk to him. Derrick got up and headed over to Ben who indicated they should discuss away from the kids. Derrick held his arm out showing Ben to lead the way. Ben took the lead and head through the living room and into the den taking a seat on one of the leather bean bags which he had bought them as a house warming present. Derrick went past and sat on the one next to him.
‘You wanted to talk. What is it?’
Ben looked up at him guiltily. ‘Yeah. Well. I am sorry to take you away from your kids party you know that right?’ Derrick nodded. ‘I just needed some advice. What do you do when your in love with someone?’
Derrick laughed trying hard not to make it look as though he was mocking Ben. ‘You uh. You tell them you love them.’
Ben blushed. ‘Its not as simple as that I don’t think.’
‘Oh, you mean she’s in a relationship?’
Ben nodded. Derrick thought for a few minutes then gave his advise.
‘I don’t think there is much you can do. I mean. Does she love you?’ Ben shrugged. ‘Dude tell her. See what happens.’
Ben smiled and nodded. He hugged Derrick then got up and went back into the living room. Derrick remained seated looking out onto the pool yard. He looked out over the fence and saw the tide coming in. He looked up at the clock. Finally the kids parents would be coming to pick them up soon. He slowly got up and went back through. He went over to the table with the kids. Shane instantly wanted his attention showing him the things which Ben had bought him.
There was no denying. Shane was growing up to be quite a daddy’s boy. Derrick loved that. He was pleased to be able to spend so much time with Shane. When he wasn’t away with work he would spend the whole day with Shane. Jenny was teaching him how to swim which was a job Derrick would have liked to of done. But someone needed to do it and the time was right.
There was a knock on the door and five more after that as kids parents came to collect them.
It was 4pm before all the kids had gone. Shane ran into the living room and sat on the rug in front of the fire. Jenny ushered him off and into one of the chairs. As soon as he sat down he was wanting to play. He wanted Derrick and Ben to play with his new toys with him.
Ben joined in within a second. For a few minutes Derrick sat and watched. He did wonder if Ben had only bought the toys so he could play with them when he was here baby sitting for Shane. He could see that. They were playing with cars. Playing racing and crashing. Jenny left the room and Ben looked up at Derrick.
Ben knew him too well and in a minute he was on the floor with his own set of cars. Inevitably Shane won. Ben came second and Derrick last. Shane slapped Derricks arm and laughed saying ‘Daddy lost.’
The kid sure did know how to get what he wanted. He stood up and ran to the other side of the room and looked Derrick in the eye. Derrick stood up and followed him chasing him up the stairs to his bedroom. Jenny was coming out of their room carrying a pile of laundry. Shane was small and slipped straight past her without her even noticing. Derrick on the other hand ran straight into her sending the laundry flying.
He helped her pick it up and take it down stairs then went back up to see Shane who was in his room shouting for his fathers attention. They played a game of dinosaurs and then one to do with a zoo. No one really understood these games apart from Shane. They kept him quiet though so people would play.
At 7pm it was time for Shanes bath. Jenny asked Derrick to do it. He didn’t mind really. He was back at work next week. He was going to be away for six weeks. So the more time he could spend with Shane the better.
He hated going away and leaving them. He felt so lonely. He expected Jenny felt the same. How did Shane feel? He was so very attached to Derrick when he was there. It must have torn the kid to pieces whenever he went away. Well he couldn’t think about it like that. He would never be able to work again. Work was something he needed to do. When it came down to it he enjoyed it. He didn’t really do much when he worked. He would entertain. That was his job. He was away 6 to 9 months of the year. But it paid well. Made the 3 months he was home worth it.
After bathing Shane he had to put him to bed. He carried him through from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He sat him on his bed and turned to the wardrobe to get his Pyjamas out.
‘Daddy.’ Shane said.
Derrick turned around to look at him. ‘Yea?’
‘I want to swim’ he said.
Derrick took out a pair of pyjamas and walked over to the bed sitting next to Shane.
‘You cant right now Shane. Its too late. Your meant to be in bed. You got kindergarten in the morning.’
Derrick helped Shane get into his pyjamas then tucked him into bed.
‘But mommy said I could swim.’
‘Shane. Sweetheart. Its too late. I’ll take you swimming tomorrow.’
Derrick walked over to the other side of the room and went to turn out the light. He flicked the switch sending the room into darkness apart from the light from the landing outside. He was about to close the door when he heard a crash from inside the room.
He flicked the light back on and saw Shane on the floor sitting up and holding one of his toys. Derrick sighed and walked over to him picking him up and putting him back into his bed.
‘Shane. You need to go to sleep.’
‘But I want to be liked superman.’ Shane said looking up at him. ‘No one tells superman what to do. ‘
‘You know superman sleeps a lot right?’
Shane looked at him in amazement. ‘Weally?’
‘yeah Shane, really. He sleeps a lot because he needs all his energy. Or he cant use his super powers.’
Shane rested his head on the pillow and closed his eyes.
‘Night daddy.’ He whispered.
Derrick kissed his head then walked back over and turned off the light. He left the room and closed the door heading down the stairs. He couldn’t believe Shane was so stubborn about going to bed. He blamed the soda. He hated the stuff.
He walked into the living room looking at the floor. He looked over at the sofa and froze. He saw Jenny and Ben kissing. He watched till they realised. Jenny pulled away re-buttoning her shirt when Ben had loosened it. She looked over at Derrick. Ben looked round to see why she had stopped. He looked awkward then got up.
‘I think I should be leaving’ he whispered.
Derrick walked over to the door and held it open for him and after Ben had walked through he slammed it and looked back over to Jenny.
‘I’m sorry.’ She said to him looking ashamed.
He walked straight past her paying no attention to her or what she was saying. He went into the den and sat on one of the chairs cupping his hands and allowing his head to fall into them. Why would she do this too him? He couldn’t understand. He had tried so hard for her.
She left him for a hour or so then entered the room. She sat beside him and tried to hug him but he pushed her away.
‘Baby. I can explain.’
He looked up at her ready to hear anything. He wanted to hear nothing. Else he wanted to hear that Ben had made her. He didn’t want to think of his friend in that way, but he didn’t want to see his wife cheating on him either. ‘Go on.’ He said.
‘He’s so lonely. So... sad. What harm is one kiss?’
She saw him begin to cry. He stood up and walked out and up into the kitchen taking out a bottle of vodka and pouring some into a glass. She followed him.
‘How far would it have gone? You re buttoned your shirt. So don’t tell me it was just a kiss. How far would it have gone Jenny?’
‘It was just a kiss Derrick. I swear it.’
He smashed the glass down onto the worktop and looked at her.
‘No Jenny. How far?’
She tried her hardest to avoid it. She knew she had annoyed him. There was no escaping that. He had the rights to be annoyed. She knew that. He was scaring her though. She had seen men being violent. Her father for one. Her father had hit her and beat her mother. Now her husbands aggression was rising.
She turned and tried to walk away but he grabbed her and pushed her up to the fridge blocking her in so she couldn’t move.
‘How fucking far Jenny?!’
The words left before she could stop them.
‘We would have gone the whole way if you hadn’t come in. You ruined it like you ruin everything else. So you know I love him. I’ve done this all more than once. More than twice. In fact the whole time we’ve been together.’
He looked hurt. She could see all he wanted to do was pull away from her. He couldn’t do it. He clung onto the fridge to stop himself. She carried on.
‘Shane might not even be yours. I’d be glad if he’s not. Bens the better father. I regret even sleeping with you.’
With that he kissed her. Hard, but this time there was no passion. Just loathing. She pushed him away onto the table. He fell to the floor. She kicked him.
‘I mean it when I say don’t you ever do that again. It was one kiss Derrick one!’
She walked out of the kitchen slamming the door. She went upstairs and into the bedroom locking the door behind her. He tried to follow but when he realised the door was locked he trailed back downstairs. He sat on the sofa. He thought. Why did he hate her when he didn’t hate Ben?
Jenny came back down with a case full of clothes. She put it in front of him. She looked over at him.
‘I know what your thinking, but after what you did in the kitchen you expect me to stay with you? I cant Derrick. I cant do it. I wont. You scared me. I didn’t feel safe. I want me and Shane to feel safe. Now go up say good bye to Shane. I’ll send the divorce papers to your parents house.’
He stood up as she walked away. He didn’t argue. He didn’t care anymore. He walked up the stairs and into Shanes room. He knelt down by the bed and kissed him.
‘Shane. Daddy loves you. He always will. I’m gonna miss you kid. I am.’
He hugged him and kissed his head again. Holding him close. Jenny stood in the door way and as Derrick looked around she signalled him to get out. He walked out of the room with tears in his eyes. She closed the door and walked him downstairs.
He pulled the car keys off the hook but she took them out his hand.
‘You leaving me with no car?’
He picked up his case and looked at her.
‘You sure this is how its meant to be?’ he said?
She nodded and opened the door. ‘Goodbye Derrick’ she said as he walked out the door. He looked back at her. He couldn’t tell if she looked at all upset. He knew he wasn’t. Right now he didn’t feel anything. It had broken his heart leaving that kid. Why would he feel?
He walked down the path and out onto the road looking back to see Jenny closing the door