Sequel: Bloodless

Confustions Human Nature


Shane was walking through the park. He wanted to run. But His mom and dad had always said not to. He hated disobeying them. They were on the bench watching him. Jenny had never trusted Shane in the park on his own. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Shane. More that she didn’t trust the people. He was 5 years old. Anything could happen. Derrick had told her time and time again. He would be fine. The park was just down the road. It wasn’t like they lived four blocks away. Besides who would hurt a kid everyone knew?
Jenny didn’t see it that way. Shane was vulnerable and she insisted on going to the park with him. Derrick always went along. He would grumble on the way down but secretly he liked it there. It brought back memories of when he was a child. He was 29 now. Hardly still young enough to play on the swings and hop around like he used to when he was 5. Jenny took his hand and held it in hers. She sat back and breathed in the fresh air. Derrick watched. Shane was out of sight. This worried him. He tried not to show it.
he knew that Shane wouldn’t go out of their sight. Not if he could help it. He knew Jenny worried and Shane never liked to worry his parents.... Derrick let go of Jenny’s hand and got up. ‘I need to walk.’ Jenny got up and followed as Derrick set off walking first slowly then picking up his pace.
‘Is Everything ok?’
‘I cant see Shane, just don’t panic.’
Derrick set off at a run when he saw Shane going through the tress at high speed. What was the matter with him? Shane never did this. It was like they were playing a huge game of hide and seek. Only they weren’t playing it with Shane, someone who was better at it. Derrick ran as fast as he could shouting to Jenny to stay out there in case they came out. He ran into Marty who was cuddling Shane. Marty started laughing.
‘Shane come here’ Shane wondered of to derrick who punched Marty in the chest. ‘You frigging A-hole.’ Marty laughed again ‘Its not funny! You nearly gave Jenny a heart attack. Your so lucky Shanes here right now you know that Marty?’
Marty gave a sharp look. ‘So are you for that comment.’ Watch your back. Derrick took Shane and headed off back towards Jenny, shrugging off what Marty said as he did. He knew Marty wouldn’t hurt Shane or him. He wouldn’t hurt Shane cause he cared about Jenny and Derrick would skin him soon as see him. Marty didn’t worry him. Just annoyed him greatly. Seeing Jenny Shane ran towards her outstretching his arms for a hug. Derrick pondered behind. After they made the decision that they had, had enough excitement for one day and they were going home.
Jenny lead the way holding Shanes hand. Shane kept looking back to make sure Derrick was still there. Sure enough every time he looked he was there. Shane found it hard to be without his dad. So whenever his dad went away they would be spending hundreds of dollars just calling each other. They had the money though, That’s what scared Derrick most. Money had got him into trouble before. He didn’t want it to happen again. Certainly not to Shane.
jenny and Shane crossed the road ahead of him. They were across and walking down the other side of the road before he even noticed they had crossed. He set off to cross the road looking both ways before he did. He put one foot in front of another and heard a break
He felt a jab in his chest, a smack to the head and a hand on his mouth, He felt cold gravel on his skin.
Jenny looked round and he was gone.

He felt himself be thrown onto a bed. He couldn’t see anything. So he presumed it was a bed. It had spring like a mattress, it was material. He felt some one grab his hands and tie them together then tie them to metal which he presumed was a bed head. He curled up the best he could be felt some one pull his legs so they could tie them too. He surprisingly wasn’t scared. He thought it was Marty, trying to play the usual kind of Marty joke. He wanted to yell but he couldn’t. They had puck tape over his mouth.
He heard a door close and knew he was alone. Why did this keep happening? Why to them? Surely he had been forgiven for the things which he didn’t even do? It seemed not. Well why would he be. Some psycho had got it into their head that he had done something over 15 years ago. Why would they get it in their head that he needed to be forgiven? They wouldn’t.
All he knew is he was kind of sick of this and Jenny would be too. Why shouldn’t they be? This was happening a whole lot to often. People get kidnapped everyday. Sure. But not 3 times in a life time. He had more than his fair share. He knew it could be worse. He was just so thankful that Jenny and Shane weren’t in this one. All he could hope is that they would stay out of it.
His hopes were short lived as he heard Jenny scream and be tied down next to him and Shane next to her. He tried to kick them and when he did he felt a fist hit his stomach. It hurt. He knew he couldn’t fight back. He needed to see to do that. It wasn’t likely he would be doing that today. He struggles pulling at the bars. He tried to break the tape. At least loosen it some. But nothing budged. He felt his arm touch Jenny’s he relaxed. He wanted to try and comfort her but again he couldn’t speak.
Jenny was unnerved by the lack of replying. She couldn’t see for the tears. Couldn’t see why he couldn’t speak. She wanted to hear something. Wanted someone to comfort her. It didn’t seem likely. She wanted to see who it was. A feel wasn’t enough. Not of just a arm. Were they male or female? She didn’t even know that. She was panicking. Wanted to see. At least for them to speak. All she knew was that Shane was next to her. That brought some relief to her. She would know if something happened to him cause she would feel it.
Derrick tried to move to touch her again. Even if she didn’t know it was him she would at least know he wasn’t going to hurt her. He wanted to get to Shane. He fought again this time breaking one of the tapes holding his hand. He moved his hand and pulled the tape off Jenny’s eyes as slowly and gently as he could.
She saw him Smiled. She looked at her hands which were still tied. He looked calm. Almost used to this. She didn’t want to scare him by saying anything. She leant over and kissed his check then rested her head on his shoulder. She wasn’t comfortable, but she knew he knew it was her. He wasn’t scared of her. Not at all. She knew he recognised her voice. That was enough to please her. She looked at Shane. She couldn’t see his eyes but could tell he was asleep. It was the best way for him to be right now. She wanted him out. If that meant losing her life so be it. She wanted Shane out. He could be with Ben, maybe Derrick if she could get that. Anywhere but here.
Derrick sighed to himself and tried to fall asleep. It was hard. How could he sleep with the thought of this in his mind? He didn’t know where they were or if they were going to make it out alive. He knew they could fight but, he didn’t know who they were fighting.
it was an hour then the door reopened. He felt the tape come off his hands. He was being taken out of the room and into somewhere else. He couldn’t walk. He was helpless and being dragged along the floor so they could prove that. He was on carpet, could feel the friction against his leg. He tried to kick but failed as he felt someone pressuring his leg. They opened a door and carried him in. He was laid onto a table. He could feel it. He heard clanging and clicking. He was scared now. It was like they were going to operate on him. They knew he could feel and they were still doing this? Who were they? Doctors that had gone insane? Scientists and him a guinea pig? He didn’t want to see anymore. Though he loved his life and would fight for it he didn’t want to see them cut him open and take out his guts. He felt the tape come off his eyes. They felt wet from what must have been sweat. He saw a light above his head. It was bright. Like a surgical lamp.
‘Awake’ he heard a voice say. He felt someone touch his arm with a soft hand. It comforted him. Made him think of Jenny. Maybe Jenny had been taken in there too. He felt a needle go into his hand and heard the same voice counting down. He tried to move but felt a bar stopping him. Where was he? He couldn’t tell. He tried to scream and then it was blank.

The pillow was soft as were the sheets. There was no pain. No hurt. Not even a visible but. His arms were in white bandages and his hand had a tube. He couldn’t sit up but that didn’t matter to him. He was alive and could see. It was blurred but he didn’t care. He had an outline. The fear was washed away by the person holding his hand.
he looked over to see Jenny holding his hand stroking it. ‘Its alright baby, your alright.’
‘Where am I?’ He whispered
‘The hospital, you got run over honey, don’t panic though cause your gonna be alright.’
He tried to sit up and still couldn’t. He looked at her in panic. She put her hand on his stomach and rubbed slowly.
‘Its the drugs they put you on baby, once your off them you’ll be able to move. You just need to get a bit better first.’
She put his head in her hands and stroked his hair. He wasn’t well. Wasn’t going to be for a while she knew this. She knew he would want to see Shane before he even asked. The doctors had already said he couldn’t till he was a bit better. It wasn’t a sight for a child and they were right. He was a mess. Stitches, blood, drips, wires and machines every where all around him. No. Shane shouldn’t see him like this. She knew he would understand.
‘What about work?’
‘I’ll take over the office for a bit if you want?’
He nodded and agreed. He already knew he couldn’t see Shane. He knew he didn’t want to. He had never wanted Shane to see him weak. Never wanted him to see him crying. So far he held that well. He wasn’t going to break it now. Also surely Shane was at school? He wasn’t with Jenny anyway. He looked over to see a tall and well built man walk in. He didn’t recognise him till he got nearer. He was wearing a red shirt and black jeans. He walked over an patted Jenny on the back. Looking down at Derrick he saw his eyes open.
‘Yo, boss! Your awake, how ya feeling?’
Jenny silenced him.
‘Jimmie, hes still really ill. He needs time Jimmie. You need to be quiet.’
Jimmie took Derricks hand. He looked at him and shook his head. ‘Why’d this happen to you boss? Werent ya looking? I mean... Your a mess.’
Derrick smiled and squeezed Jimmies hand. ‘Yo jimboy.’ He said to him looking him in the eye. Jimmie looked down like he had just been kissed by a god.