Sequel: Bloodless

Confustions Human Nature


Ben looked blankly at the TV. He hated having nothing to do. Unemployed and lonely. All he had for company was the damn TV. He was about to call it a night when someone knocked at the door. He stood up sighing. He didnt know who it was. But with this area getting worse at night he didnt really want to. He went over to the door taking out his pocket knife as he did. He opened the door and held up the knife.
'Whoa shit dude!'
Ben dropped the knife and looked at Derrick who was in the door way with his hood up. Ben had always told him he shouldnt walk round with his hood up people would get the wrong idea. He opened the door fully to let him in then closed it once he had entered.
'Come on man over to the couch. Sit down you shouldnt be standing for too long. Your not well'
Derrick looked at Ben sharply. He had about enough of people telling him he wasnt well. If he hadnt been well he wouldnt be out of the house. people should know this by now. He wasnt the type to risk his life or full time health to see a friend. Still he sat.
'You want a drink?'
'Yeh... Uh actually Ben. I just wanted to talk.'
Ben looked at him. This couldnt be good when did you go to your friend to talk. The last time Derrick had turned up at his house like this it was because him and Jenny had split up. Though this time there was nothing sinister or depressing about his friends mood. Only nervous and almost ashamed. Ben sat next to him and looked.
'Sup dude?'
Derrick gulped. He didnt know how Ben was going to react. He didnt know if Ben would accept it or if he would just go phsyco.
'No matter what Ben I dont want to lose this friendship.'
Ben nodded. He didnt see why Derrick thought there would be any chance of them losing a friendship stronger than a lifetime brother hood. He knew Derrick got on with him better than he got on with Diesel. And he knew Derrick like he was his brother. So what could be so bad that Derrick thought Ben might hate him.
'Maybe I'm wrong. Ben. Sometimes I hope I am. The last few nights I've been praying I'm wrong'
He stood and started to pace around the room. Ben looked at him confused and anxious.
'Dude if its about Jenny...'
Derrick cut Ben off as quick as he'd started.
'No. Its not about Jenny, Everything between me and Jenny is fine. Its me and you.'
Ben thought. He couldnt remember doing anything wrong. Though now it seemed he must have done. Why else was he saying this?
'Friendships grow. So do bonds Ben. And I know if my father found out I felt this way, He'd probably put a bullet in my head and refuse to admit I was his son.'
Derrick looked at the floor.
'But loves just something you cant help. And I love you.'
Ben looked shocked. Of all the words he had expected to come out of his friends mouth it wasnt that.
'I love you too Derrick. Just, I love you as a btother.'
Derrick nodded.
'And its best it stays that way. What I came to tell you was that we need some space. Some time apart. Or this is gonna effect me and Jenny. I dont want that.'