Sequel: Bloodless

Confustions Human Nature


Ben didnt want this. He didnt want to leave Derrick. Not as a friend. They were too close. But he didnt want to hurt Jenny by letting their relationship collapse under the wait of this. He stood and walked over to Derrick putting an arms around his friend making him cease his passing.
'Derrick. Dude. Need it come to this? You running from what you feel. You've never done this.'
'Maybe Its time I started Ben, me and Jenny we've...'
'Yeh, dude you've been through so much. I know. But so have me and you and you're stronger than anyone I know. You can get over this.'
Derrick sighed he knew he couldnt.
'Ben. I know what I need to do to get away from this'
Ben sughed. He couldnt stop him leaving. He knew he couldnt. He wanted to know what leaving was. He didnt know what he meant.
'Leaving? Where?'
Derrick took a deep breath. He knew Ben wasnt going to like this. He hadnt even told Jenny yet. She wasnt gonna like it eiether. But he had to do this. Or she would have lose him.
'Los Angeles. Most likey.'
Ben gasped. he couldnt go to Califronia.
'Derrick... look.'
Derrick had broken out of Bens hold and walked to the other side of the room by the time Ben had manage to utter these words. Derrick looked back a minute. He was by the door and he wanted to go.
'Dont go please.'
Derrick closed his eyes and sighed. He didnt want to do this but he had to. He put his hand onto the door handle and looked at Ben.
'Ben. I have to. And Im sorry... Bye.'
He turned the handle and opened the door. Looked out an was about to walk. Something wasnt right. Someone was in his way.