Sequel: Bloodless

Confustions Human Nature


Ben looked at Derrick just standing there. He noticed something. He wasnt moving and he was white as snow.
No reply. Ben walked over slowly to by his friends side. Looked out and saw what Derrick was seeing. He felt sick. He knew this couldnt be good. This truely could be the one perso they did not want to see.
'Daniel. Hi.'
Ben pulled Derrick - still in schock- to the side and allowed Daniel into the apartment. Daniel looked around slowly inspecting everything. Ben didnt comment. It was the first time he had seen Daniel since 11th grade when he was kidnapped and suposedly killed. He didnt know how much humanity he had been around since then. And more to the point how much of it had been sane.
'Are you okay?'
Stupid question. It was clear he remembed it all. You would. Seeing your best friend brutally murdered for something no where near his fault and seeing the one who should be dead run off and leave you to die. It wasnt something you dropped. Ben knew he probably wouldnt have either.
Daniel looked at him with eyes like ice. It sent shivers down Bens back to even have him in the room. Someone who used to be one of them. Someone who was once there best friend. Warm and loving when ever he saw them was now so cold. So hurt. So damaged. Ben couldnt help but want to hurt the one who caused this. He looked at Derrick who was still by the wall where he had left him.
'Derrick. Come here.'
When Danielspoke his words were quiet and shakey. Ben looked at Derrick. He knew he deserved what was coming to him. Still he wanted to tell Derrick not to go. He was about to open his mouth to say the words but it was too late. Derrick was already walking towards Daniel. He looked as nervous as Ben felt.
He walked slowly, almost shakily across the room. He stoped just in front of Daniel who put a hand on his shoulder. He jumped as he did. It was weird. Derrick thought. This was like having a man who had been dead for 8 years coming into your room and touching you. He shivered at the thought. It freaked him out.
'You remember what happened? What you did?'
Derrick nodded
'How could I forget Dan?'
He shuddered. Daniel looked at him with Anger in his eyes and it didnt take a question or even a deep thought for Derrick to know he had just given the wrong answer.
'Then you know you left me to die?! You watched Corey get cut to pieces and you left me to the same fate?!'
Derrick stepped back. Or atleast he tried to. Daniels grip was too strong.
'Dan listen. I didnt have a chouce. I wanted to take you with me.... I did! But...'
'You're a sick, twisted and selfish asshole!'
It wasnt like that. Even Ben knew it. Derrick only escaped with luck. That had been obvious the whole time. If only Dan could see that then maybe this wouldnt end in fisticuffs. Something suddenly made Ben thinl. Daniel wasnt here for a fight. He was here for something deeper. Someting stronger. Something he thought would be worth more.
He was here for revenge.