Sequel: Bloodless

Confustions Human Nature


Ben watched as Derrick struggled to get away. The plan was now clear. He watched fear fill Derricks eyes. Dan wanted to kill him.
'Dan.... please..'
Ben knew as he watched his friend beg that he had to make a distraction. The pleading was useless. Dan wasnt going to have mercy. Derrick could surrender three times over Dan would just take advantage and kill him. The only way this would end well is if he could delay them long enough for the police to get here. First though he had to make a phone call he might regret.
He walked through to the kitchen keeping an eye on the situation as he did. He watched Derrick begging and called 911. Asked for poilice, said the address and re enetred the living room carrying a glass.
'Dan, think about this before you do it.'
atleast he had got the fll attention off Derrick. He was in the middle. He needed to edge Daniel out of grip. he needed to make him lose his concentration for even a second. He knew Derrick knew what he was doing from the way his eyes were fixed on Dans actions.
Dan looked at Ben. Was this guy a idiot?
Did he not know that he had thought of nothing but this for 8 years? He had had his thinking time and was ready to do this.
'Ben. If you know whats best for you/. You'll keep out of this!'
'I know whats best for me Dan. And I dont care. What I care about is Jenny and what you'll do to her if you kill him.'
Dan loosend his girp. he hadnt thought of that. He didnt want to hurt Jenny. Not even for this. But he needed Derrick to know what he had been through. He paused.
Derrick took advantage and slipped Dans grip and ran. He left he partment at full speed. Dan snapped out of it the second he had got away. He glanced at Ben anc chased after Derrick. He wasnt letting hm go that easily..