Something You Can't Believe


Jenny sat on the sofa watching the TV. She wanted to be back at work. Even though she didn’t. Seen as though the last time she had worked properly her husband had gotten himself so drunk he had slept with her sister and called her whilst doing so. After that they had nearly split up. She sighed at the thought and picked up the TV remote changing the channel then looking at the clock.
2:56pm. Finally. Soon enough she would have some company. Admittedly she wanted her husbands company and it wasn’t going to be him but it was going to be Shane. He was as good as anyone if she couldn’t have Derrick she wanted to talk to Shane. She sighed again. Why did she miss her husband so damn much when he was only out of the house around five hours of the day and most of the time he was there now.
She had it her own way. When they had first come back all he had done was work. Work like there was nothing more to do in life. Now though, after ten years and a lot of begging on her part he had relaxed his hours and spent more time with her and Shane. She kept flicking through the channels hoping she could find something to watch which would take her mind off her boredom until Shane got home. Still as always when she needed it. Nothing was on.
She flicked the TV off.
‘You piece of crap.’
With this she got up and walked into the kitchen flicking the power switch on the kettle then getting a mug from the cupboard just above her head. She put it onto the side and put some coffee into it then she paused as she heard a car pull into the drive. She put the spoon which was in her hand onto the side board and headed out of the kitchen and over to the front door.
She opened it and looked out side only to see her mothers Escort parked and her getting out. She was about to run and hug her mom who by now was out of the car when she stopped to see the other car door open. Her heart skipped a beat for a moment as she thought her mother was only here to say she had seen Shane skipping school and was bringing him back for her to deal with.
That wouldn’t have been an all new situation if she had.
However it wasn’t Shane that got out of the car. It was someone who she wanted to see less and less with every time she heard his name. And now her mother had taken him into her car and to his daughters house. After everything that man had done to her. To them she couldn’t believe her mother was just prepared to take him back. She now couldn’t believe her moms attitude. She was annoyed and knew her mom better stop with her attitude about Derrick.
There was no way she could take her seriously after seeing this. Was she supposed to?

Her dad walked up to her and smiled. Jenny smiled politely yet not welcomingly as she saw her father had left her mom to close the door. Her dad went to hug her. She accepted though she didn’t know why. This was the first time he had even tried to hug her since she was about 2 years old.
She hated this man. He might have changed but she wasn’t about to forget. Unlike her mother she had made a vow and one which she was intending to stick with. She was never going to forgive the man which stood in front of her.