Sucker Love


Brian heard a long hard groan as he lay half awake, the sheets still tucked up to his chin. "Brian, what the hell happened last night?" He watched as Heidi rubbed the sleep from her eyes and he waited. Any second now, he thought. Her face turned pale and she was in the bathroom before Brian had time to laugh at her. She was back a little later, but Brian was fast asleep again. Heidi hadn't the heart to wake him, that look of innocence spread across his face. She watched his bare chest as it rose and fell at a steady pace, unable to comprehend why he wished it'd stop. She willed herself from crying and it worked for once, and then left Brian to sleep a little longer.

Heidi could remember parts of the previous night. She remembered Brian flirting as he did, with near everyone he set his eyes upon. With everyone but her, it seemed. She remembered him going off with Stacey again, and she remembered them heading upstairs. After that, everything was a little blurred. She could recall the face of a man; a few men, actually. She remembered as Brian laid her down to rest, happy that he'd listened for once and hadn't changed her into her pyjamas. She wasn’t sure why he always insisted he change her, blushing at the thought that maybe he just wanted to.

Brian had stayed all day at hers, most of it spent in her bed. She’d dragged the spare TV into her room and they spent the day watching lame horror movies before Brian eventually decided that it was getting pretty late. He’d walked the long way home, sighing as he finally found himself on his doorstep. It was dark out now, and Brian knew he’d have his parents worried. He’d not spoken to them all weekend and it had now ended, though they knew he was going to a party.

Brian was surprised as they said nothing to him as he entered. He received a smile and was told to get ready for bed, and so he did. He didn’t understand it at all. He entered his room to find it appeared to have not been disturbed whilst he was gone, but he’d been wrong. He opened the shoebox hidden in his wardrobe to find that they’d found his smokes and disposed of them, sighing as he realised he really needed one. Sleep didn’t come easy for him that night. He thought back to Stefan and wondered why he’d been so worried for Heidi at the party. It’s not as if he knew her, anyway, and he couldn’t possibly have a crush on her. He thought that perhaps he’d misunderstood something, but couldn’t think of how.

Brian’s scream wasn’t something one wanted to hear early in the morning, but it was sure to have woken half the street. “Where the fuck is my makeup!? My perfume!? Mum!” He rushed downstairs to find that everyone had already headed to work, which meant that he was probably late for school. He sighed in frustration and punched the wall of the hallway, cursing as it hurt his hand. He knew he couldn’t afford to take another so-called sick day off because he didn’t feel like going, and so gathered his things and left. He made sure to grab the last of his allowance money before he left and hide it in his shoe, worried he’d be bullied for it later due to his antics at the party on the weekend. He was almost positive he’d be bullied, and regretted that he actually gave a crap about failing school. He had to go, and so hurried to get there before all the jocks arrived.

He’d made it, thought only just, as he heard his name being yelled down the hall. He felt the eyes on him as he entered the class, his head down as low as he could manage it without walking into things. He took the seat beside Stefan without thinking, realising after not too long that he usually sat behind him in Biology class.

“Hey fag, you’re in my seat,” Calen said, slamming his books down in Brian’s face. Brian got up and moved to his usual spot, all without looking up. He didn’t want Stefan to see him looking so ugly without his makeup on. Hell, he didn’t want anyone seeing him like that. He despised how cruel his parents could be. Stefan wondered why Brian hadn’t put up a fight, as he most likely usually would have, and hoped that he was okay. He’d had time to think over the weekend and had reminded himself that he and Brian weren’t actually together or anything. He could sleep with whoever he wished, and it shouldn’t be any of his business. Though it still hurt, Stefan decided to let it go.

Lunch came all too quickly for Brian, and he found himself hiding out behind the grounds keeping shed on the oval. He didn’t want to be ugly, bruised, and bloodied. Hell, the first was already bad enough. It came of no use, however, as the usual group had found him there once again. He needed a new place to hide.

“What are you doing here all alone, pussycat?” Brian had a laugh to himself at the new name they had for him now, so it seemed.

“Do we need to show you again what happens to people like you?” The bigger of the group of boys grabbed Brian’s arm. He knew from experience that resisting was of no use. He felt as someone hit him in the gut, doubling over as the pain coursed throughout him.

“Fuck, leave me alone,” he said, but he was silenced by their laughter. He saw Jake, the leader of the group, make his way forward. He was hit in the gut again and felt as the air left his lungs, coughing and splattering as he tried to regain his breath. He could barely stand any longer.

“Leave him with me guys, I got this,” Jake ordered, and Brian listened as the others left them alone. “Now get up.” Brian did as he was told, unaware that he’d fallen to the floor. “No, not that far.” Brian was left at his knees as the stronger boy leant over him, a wicked smile creeping onto his face. “Let’s see you act like the whore you are, pussycat.” Brian finally looked up to the boy before him, and he seemed a little disappointed by him. He couldn’t help but feel he was about to enter a whole lot of trouble, wishing he could find the right words to defuse the situation.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Brian stared directly across to the shiny belt buckle of Jake’s pants, understanding him at once. He hadn’t realised so many boys at his school had been just like him, in a way. “I’m not sucking you off,” he said, sure and stern. Jake didn’t seem to know what to say without his gang to help him out, slapping Brian across the face instead. “Do you treat all your whores like this?”

“Shut up, fag! I don’t need a whore!”

“Well then I’d rather like to get back on my feet, love.” Brian knew how to toy with him now, and was rather enjoying the confusion in Jake’s face. He’d obviously expected Brian to follow along with it all, but no, he did have his standards. Brian got up and began to walk away, surprised at how easy he’d got away with it.

“Don’t you dare tell anyone about this Brian!” Jake yelled out. Brian laughed to himself, stopping at the threat that followed. “I’ll fuck up that Heidi girl if you do!” No matter how much he wanted his revenge for all the times he’d been jumped by Jake and his mates, he’d never risk getting Heidi hurt.