Fuel to the Fire


“Hello, please dial this number to talk to an associate: 259-2222. Thank you.” I quickly wrote down the number, cursing myself for thinking it would be an easy call. Of course it wasn’t going to be easy, you can’t just call a number and ask for something illegal.

That’s right, what I was doing was highly illegal. But I like I said before: it had to be done.

I hung up the phone and dialed the number that was given to me. “Hello?” A male voice answered. “What can I do for you today, babe?”

I groaned. “Yes, I would like to speak to you in person, please.”

The voice on the other end laughed. “Oh you know I’m coming over. It’s my job after all.”

“Yes, okay. My address is 2556 Maryland Ct. In Tempe?”

The voice laughed again. “Oh I know right where that is. I’ll be there soon. I can’t wait.” There was a flirtatious tone to his words.

The man hung up and I shivered. I knew I had to clear some things up right when he got here. I shuffled around my house, trying to make it look presentable, or rather, presentable to him. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. I jumped. Could he really be here this soon? I casually walked over to the front door and swung it open. “Hi, come on--shit.”

The guy smirked at me. “You took a shower,” he noted.

I scoffed. “This is what you do in your spare time? You’re a male escort?”

“Yeah, pretty much. I also work as at 21st Bank.”

“And do you steal the money there? Oh no wait, you probably get paid a lot doing this, right?”

“Don’t start with me, ginger. You called me here for a reason. State your name and preference, as well as any other important details and we’ll be on our way.”

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “Fine. But you should know that I’m not the one that needs to be…escorted.”

“Damn,” the man said. “I was really hoping I could feel you up.” I shot him a look. He didn’t say anything more. I invited the man to come sit next on the couch. I sat across from him in the recliner.

“Okay, so here’s the situation. My brother, Jared, he has a girlfriend. Her name is Shelly and today I found out that she’s a lying whore and I, in short, want revenge.”

“Mhmm,” the man said. “Now, where in this do I come in?”

“Easy,” I replied. “You’re going to, ahem, ‘feel her up’ and get caught, by Jared.”

“That’s the most fucked up plan I’ve heard in, well my whole fucking life,” the man told me. “You really love your brother?”

“Yeah. That and I hate the whore he’s dating.”

The man laughed, then his face became serious. “Do you not realize that I’m going to be the bad guy in this situation, along with this Shelly girl?”

“Look, I don’t even know you, okay? Do I look like I really care about you right now? I don’t. So don’t even pull that with me. I could care less if I never saw you again after this deal is over.”

The man was quiet for a minute. “What’s the pay?” the man asked.


“What’s the pay?” he repeated.

“500 dollars even. I’ll give you half now and half after it’s all over.”

“I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this,” he muttered.

I smiled. “My name’s Courtney. Monaco. Courtney Monaco.”

I held out my hand and the guy took it. “Garrett Nickelsen.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is what Garrett does with his life.
He works at 21st Bank and is a male escort.
I'd like to think that this is pretty original, but hey, you never know.
Thoughts? (: