Status: HIATUS

I'm the One Who Understands You

Amber uses sex.
Amber uses drugs.
Amber uses John.

John loves Amber.
John is blind.
John won't listen.

Sara hates Amber.
Sara loves John.
Sara warns John.

Amber Pierce makes John happy for the most part. When she isn't, she's making other guys happy.
John Gomez refuses to believe his best friend regardless of the past. But he'll be wishing he did.
Sara Harper is always there to pick up the pieces for John. This time isn't going to be any different.

Title Cred: "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift
Disclaimer:Of course I own The Summer Set.
  1. "I'm your shoulder, I'm the quick drive over, tryin' to fix your stuff."
    Sooner or Later- Michelle Branch
  2. "You're My Favorite Flavor."
    Playground Love- Air
  3. "I Don't Like Your Girlfriend."
    Girlfriend- Avril Lavigne
  4. "I'll Never Tell You Why I Do Those Things I Do"
    What Gets You Through The Night- The Audition