Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Meet Katora

Dr. Cullen walked into the part of the hospital where they keep the mental patients locked away at,a man who was slightly shorter than him walked beside.

"What's going on with her?" Dr. Cullen asked.

"She keeps saying its too much and every time someone gets close to her she lashes out,we don't know what's wrong and its really unexplainable how she burns and blows objects up because we don't let the patients keep things to hurt themselves or others with. We are really freaked out about this,we're wondering if we should have taken her as a new patient or not." the doctor,Dr. listing said.

"Well let me go in and see if i can talk to her and calm her down" Dr. Cullen said

"ok if u insist but do you want a gaurd in there with you?" the other Dr asked

"No but he can stay outside the door" Dr. Cullen said as they both stopped at door 443. He unlocked the door and slipped in only to see a girl no older than 17 squatted down leaning against the wall,head down with her hands in her hair. When he closed the door she looked up and he couldn't help but realize that this girl was beautiful!! She had long black hair,hazel eyes,the perfect color of brown skin and she looked like she could be about 5'8.

"Who are you?" she asked in a quiet voice.

"I'm doctor Cullen and i was wondering if i could talk to you for a little so i could get to know who you are since i'm you new doctor" he said
"Sure" she said

"you're much calmer than everyone says you are" he said

"well that's because your emotions aren't all over the place" she mumbled not thinking that he could hear her but he did,vampire senses come in handy sometimes. 'I knew it' he thought,'she's just like jasper but also different,she doesn't know how to control it'. He snapped out of his thoughts when she said something.

You're different from all the other doctors i've had,the others automatically wanted to experiment on me but u just want to talk." she said

"Well i really want to help you,you should be free not trapped in this hole." he said. She smiled "Thank you,and i like the color of your eyes"she said and giggled.
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this is what she looked like when he walked in kat when carlisle walked in