Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Confessions and Criminal Minds

The two main things parents don’t want to hear come from their children’s mouths are “I’m gay” or “I’m pregnant” now I know Esme and Carlisle aren’t my biological parents but it feels like they are which is why it was going to be so hard for me to tell them this especially Carlisle he was the one I had known longer, the one who cheered me up in the institution when I was sad, he was also the one who bought me my very own instrument, I still remember that day like it was yesterday.


“Hey Carlisle” I said to the doctor I had grown to love and respect.

“Hello Kat, happy birthday/Halloween I got you a present” he said to me smiling.

“ooo what!!!” I yelled practically jumping out of my seat.

“Come on it’s in my office” he told me and I followed him eagerly not knowing what he possibly could have gotten me. The closer we got to his office the more excited I got, when we actually got there I was jumping and skipping around like a little 3 year old who just got ice cream.

“Okay you ready” he asked

“Yes!!” I yelled excitedly

He brought out to cases from behind his work desk and laid them on top of it, they were like mini guitar cases.

“Happy birthday” he said to me once again as I opened the first case. It was a beautiful glass violin that sat in it.

“Oh my god this is beautiful” I said to afraid to touch it, thinking it would break. He flipped a switch at the bottom and it lit up all these different colors. I didn’t think it could have gotten any better than that but I was totally wrong. I opened the other case and in it sat a blue electric violin, my favorite color.

Yea I know people weren’t expecting me to like violins but ever since I heard my favorite artist Emilie Autumn play her violin I was hooked and I’ve been talking about how I wanted to make music like her and how much I looked up to her.

“Thank you” I said to him and hugged him as tight as I could “I’m going to write a song just for you!” I told him as we pulled back from the hug.

“I’ll hold you to it” he said chuckling


If anybody’s wondering, yes I do practice but only at school in the music room because I want it to be a surprise when I do get the song I’m writing for him perfect. But back to what I was saying, yea this was going to be hard to tell him and it was just my luck that he walked in the house back from work.

“Hey Carlisle how was work? Any surgeries? Anybody die? Wait you don’t have to answer that.” I rambled on nervously.

“Kat what’s wrong, you’re nervous I can tell” he said

“Well there was something that I wanted to talk about but you know we can forget this happened” I said trying to back out of telling him, trying to make my way upstairs but he took me by my hand and led me to the living room.

“Sit and talk to me, what’s bothering you?” he asked and gave me the, it’s ok you can trust me look and I just cracked.

“okay well I’ve been having these weird feelings, I mean I don’t know if it’s wrong or not but I mean it has to be right, cause it’s not normal but I don’t really care, it’s what I like and I was scared of what you would mostly say about it.” I said rambling on again until Carlisle stopped me.

“It’s ok just tell me what’s going on” he said concerned

“I am well, I like girls” I told him slowly

“So you’re gay?” he said

“No I mean I still like boys but I like girls too, I’m bisexual” I told him quickly and looked anywhere but at him scared that I would see something like disgust in his eyes. Instead of him pushing me away like I thought he would he hugged me.

“Is that all sweetheart? I was scared you were going to tell me that you were pregnant or something, no I’m not upset I’m glad that you wanted to talk to me about this I’m not going to push you away, I’ll never do that ok” he said

I nodded thinking now I just have to tell Esme when she comes back from grocery shopping with Jasper I’m even more worried at what her and Jasper’s reaction would be.

“I’m sure Esme will be the same way I am and so will jasper” Carlisle said answering my silent worries.

“You want to watch criminal minds with me” he asked getting my mind off the situation.

“Do I!!!” I yelled running to the kitchen to grab some snacks and drinks and ran back to the living room just as Carlisle changed it to the channel. I laid down on the couch putting my head on Carlisle’s lap and he randomly played in my hair, these are the moments that I cherish. I’m glad that I have Carlisle for a dad I couldn’t imagine anyone better to fit the position.

Soon I feel asleep to Matthew Gray Gubler’s character Spencer Reid explaining something about chocolate, peas and love.

What Kat was wearing
and here's Katora
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so at the time it may not seem like it but this chapter is VERY important. Anyway my wonderful subscribers, commenters and silent readers i am sorry for taking so long to update, my mind has been elsewhere. I have been writing a new story it's a criminal minds oc story so if you can please check that out.
Also if you don't know who Emilie Autumn is you should really seriously check out some of her music.

umm is there anything else i wanted to tell you...wait i'm thinking...umm yea i just wanted to thank everyone who commented and messaged me asking to continue this story i really appreciate it:)
so yea i think that is all so umm...bye!!:D