Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Back to school blah!

My phone alarm woke me up the next morning, ugh great it’s Monday school time. I distinctly remember telling Esme and Jasper what I had told Carlisle and then going upstairs to go back to sleep, I don’t remember their expressions though.

‘6am is a horrible time why does it exist?’ I text-ed Kerry and Kassidy before I started picking out clothes for today, not even a minute later I got two text messages back.

‘It’s a way for the man to keep us down’ was Kassidy’s response.

‘I know right waking up this early cannot be good for my beauty, my beauty sleep ends at 11am’ was Kerry’s response.

I laughed at their responses and got my things out so I could take a shower, I felt weird today I didn't like it, my head was pounding but before I could actually think anything was seriously wrong my stomach started growling. Yea that makes sense a hunger headache, I should be fine after I eat an awesome breakfast that Esme always makes in the morning.

‘Getting in the shower be back in 15’ I text-ed them and tossed my phone on the bed.

~20 minutes later~

I came out of the bathroom feeling much more awake and alert thanks to the shower and started putting my clothes on, after that I started on my hair and make-up then I brushed my teeth. Oh crap I told them I would text them in 15. I went over to my bed and picked up the phone 6 new text messages, wow.

The first two text messages were from Kerry and Kassidy basically saying the same thing. ‘I know you got caught up with doing your hair and everything so I’ll just see you at school.’

The other 4 text messages were from some of the people at my school who were in my music class, well we were the only ones who were in music class actually, it was a class that we could choose and most people wanted theater or photography.

‘Hey rockstar I haven’t seen you in a while, can’t wait to see your face in school today’ the boy Joshua text-ed me, he was one of the singers in the class besides me.

‘Kitty Kat I can’t wait to see you!’ the boy Taylor text-ed, he plays guitar.

‘Hey short stuff can’t wait to wreak havoc with you today, I already have our first prank planned! *evil laugh*’ the bass guitar player Chad text-ed

‘Hey, you there I miss you, can’t wait to rule the school with you again, your absence has made the guys go crazy.’ Jordan, the drummer text-ed me

I text-ed them all back with ‘I can’t wait to see you’ and just left it at that as I grabbed my bag and iPod and made my way downstairs. Yup there’s the wonderful smell of an Esme breakfast, Eggs, bacon, hash browns, and French toast with some apple juice.

“Hey sweetheart good morning, how are you feeling today?” Esme said as I entered the kitchen.

“I feel awesome!! I’m excited to go back to school” I responded not telling her about my headache because I knew she would go all motherly on me, besides it was just a hunger headache I was sure it would go away after I ate, which I did.

At around 7:30 I and Jasper made our way to school, him driving of course.

“Are you okay?” he asked

“Yea I’m fine just have a small headache” I said to him

“Will you be okay today?” he said concern written all over his face

“Yea I’ll be fine, I’ll just go to the nurse to get some aspirin, after that I should be better” I told him as we pulled into a parking space in the school parking lot, we always get here so fast it’s ridiculous, school hasn't even started yet! That’s okay I just get more time with Jazz which is a plus.

Jasper got out of the car and I gathered my things as he opened the door for me, I got out and he closed the door and backed me up against the car, being this close to him always made me nervous. He pushed my hair behind my ear and I just knew that I was blushing.

“You’re so beautiful” he told me before our lips met

I don’t know how long we were kissing but we were interrupted by a small ‘ahem’ and we broke apart, I looked over to see Kassidy and Kerry giggling quietly not to far and Jasper smirked

“it seems like your friends are waiting for you” he said

“Yea they can wait” I said to him

“go ahead I’ll see you in English” he told me and kissed me again before I went over to the girls and he went into the school.

“oh my god Kat you didn't tell us that you an Jasper were together!!” Kerry squealed

“Well we aren't, actually I don’t know what we are we never talked about it” I said and it was true I didn't’t know what we were at the moment, boyfriend/girlfriend, kissing buddies, friends with benefits? I was confused, so yea we had some things to talk about.

“Girl from the way you guys were kissing I would say that you two were together” Kerry responded and Kassidy nodded agreeing.

Just at the moment the bell rang, ugh school here we go, I feel like the new kid since I’ve been gone so long, I’m sure I’ll get over the feeling but all I had on my mind right now was Jasper.

What Kat had on
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Eh just something i felt like i should do since I'm sick and couldn't sleep, i hope everybody enjoyed this chapter, i liked it:)
Yay we're going to get to meet the guys that Kat is in music class with in the next chapter, i'm so excited haha!!:)

Wow shortest author's note i ever did lol:D
Song i was listening to while writing Flyleaf - Break your knees