Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

It all started with a headache

I started making my way to the front entrance of the school with Kassidy and Kerry behind me but just as I got to the steps 4 guys ran in front of me blocking my path.

“Kat!!” they all yelled excitedly

“Boys” I yelled with equal excitement and they grabbed me putting me in the middle of a group hug.

“Ok guys…can’t breathe” I said and they all let go and I looked at them all taking in their appearance.

Chad with his bright blue eyes and sandy blonde hair that I noticed he recently cut, probably Kerry’s doing, they were together and she loved his eyes so she probably asked him to cut it so she could continuously look at him. It was disgusting, but cute how they loved each other so much. Yea he was the pretty boy of the music group.

Then there was Taylor he had the cutest face and his eyes were a pretty light brown color what I loved was his hair, it was always curly but he recently cut it and it was still curly and really soft, he was the brains of the music group. I think that’s why Kassidy fell for him, they were both smarty pants and they just kind of fit together perfectly. They were both shy so you can only guess how hard it was for them to talk to each other at first but after the first conversation they were in love.

Next was Jordan he also had blue eyes but not as light as chad’s were, his hair is naturally brown but he just dyes some strands blonde which made his hair look even cooler, he had this thing with swinging his hair and it would always go perfectly right into place after he was done. If I tried that my hair would stick up everywhere ha! He was the rocker of the group. He didn’t have a girlfriend but I was looking for girls for him, he says I don’t have to but I know that seeing his friends going out with their girls and him being stuck doing nothing was getting on his nerves.

And lastly there’s Joshua, josh for short. He had blue eyes too but they weren’t as light as chad’s and they weren’t darker that Jordan’s, they were kind of in the middle I guess.He liked to dye some of his hair blue and he had a tongue ring:) He was what people would call the “Emo” of the group, he was one good ass singer but people don’t pay attention that, they just see what’s on the outside. Honestly I had a huge crush on him and I think he liked me too but we’ve never gone any further than harmless flirting. Kerry doesn’t really associate with him because of the obvious reasons, she was a popular and he wasn’t but she’s not mean and horrible to him she just doesn’t talk to him as much as the other’s but me and Kassidy do, Kass thinks he’s hilarious.

I’m not sure who I am in the group, the weirdo, the hyper one? Eh maybe I’ll find out during the rest of the school year…

“Guys we’re going to be late for class!!” Kassidy said

“You don’t want to miss anything do you Ms. Nerd?” I said teasingly

“Shut up” she said and pulled me and Taylor into the school and I grabbed Josh dragging him with us since we had the same first period while Chad and Kerry had Physics and Jordan was alone in Gym, poor guy he has gym first that must suck.

We walked into English about 5 minutes late with everyone looking at us, Kassidy was blushing from embarrassment and me, Josh and Taylor walked in casually, it wasn’t new for us to be a little late. I walked up to the teacher’s desk and took out all of the work I missed that I had to make up, she smiled at me.

“Welcome back Ms. Cullen” the teacher Mrs. Hayes said to me

It was weird to be called a Cullen but that’s what all the teachers thought that I was another adopted kid saved from the orphanage by Dr. Cullen and his lovely wife. If they actually knew the truth about me they probably wouldn’t treat me the same, so my story was just that, I came from an orphanage and became a Cullen. My actual last name is Howard but I don’t mind being a Cullen it’s an honor to have the last name well I don’t have it officially but I can always change my last name to that, right?

“Thanks Mrs. Hayes, it’s nice to be back” I told her, she was one of my favorite teachers and English was one of my favorite subjects.

I went and took my seat next to Josh and started copying down whatever was on the board. We were being assigned partners for a project about the civil war and that’s when I perked up a little, the civil war was one of the wars that I was really interested in. We had to pick weather we wanted to be on the Confederate or Union side and the pair up with each other and do a debate and Essay. I knew this was going to be awesome and I chose to be on the Union side right away because who wants to be a Confederate?!

I was in a group with my friends, duh and poor Jasper had to be paired up with some other random people like the so called “slut” of the school, the nerd and a jock who I highly doubted would even try to do any work. Oh well his fault for picking the confederate side!

~40 minutes later~

The bell rung and everyone rushed out of the classroom, I stayed behind and waited for Jasper but I saw that girl talking and trying to flirt with him, so I simply went over to them.

“Come on baby we’re going to be late for the next class” I said making sure to block her from him, grabbed his hand and led him out of the room. I looked back at her and smirked at her which I felt made her highly pissed.

“Ugh another reason I hate school, being in a closed space with all those hormonal disgusting teenagers, all their emotions gave me an even bigger headache” I said to Jasper and he just laughed

“Your one of them” he said still laughing

“Ugh whatever Jazz fuck you” I responded as we walked to my locker and before I knew what was going on, my back was pressed against the lockers and Jasper was really close, and I do mean REALLY close.

“You know, you really shouldn’t tease me with those words” he said as I looked into his eyes which seemed darker than they normally were.

“Or what?” I questioned smartly

“Things might happen” he said grabbing my waist roughly and kissing me with force before walking off, leaving me breathless. Looks like I’ll have to say things like that more to him, I like the response I get.

~End of school day~

The bell had finally rung releasing me from the prison that all teens call school, I don’t usually not like school this much but this damn headache was killing me. Even after I had gotten pills from the nurse it was still there, I felt like my head was going to explode! I told Jasper that he could leave because i had to stay after and I made my way into the music room where I saw the guys, Kerry and Kassidy. I told them that since I missed some practice that I would stay for a while after school.

“So Ms. Brown just told us that we have an assembly or concert thing or whatever on the 30th which is Thursday, so we can show our parents what we’ve been doing, so since we already have 2 songs she wants us to do another, like maybe a cover of a bands song or something” Taylor informed me

“So we have some songs and bands written down and we’ve voted on it but now it’s up to you” Josh said and handed me a piece of paper with the names and bands on it.

Green Day – Holiday
Marianas Trench – Good to you duet
Evanescence – Lithium
Evanescence – Sweet Sacrifice
Lemonade Mouth – Somebody

“Ok I like all of these songs but it’s a tie for me between Somebody, Sweet Sacrifice and Holiday” I said and coughed which hurt

“Well actually can we do them all” I continued

“We were hoping you would say that” the guys all said smiling

“We’ve already learned how to play them, we just need our lead singer” Chad said holding the microphone out to me.

“Let’s get started” I said smiling

~2 hours later~

Josh and I finished the duet and by this time I was tired, sick and I think I was going to throw up so I went and sat down because I felt dizzy.

“Hey are you ok rockstar?” Josh asked sitting next to me, I shook my head and leaned back on him.

“I’m just feeling a little sick that’s all” I said

“Well rest up you just sang for two hours, you should be worn out” he said and I nodded closing my eyes.

“Oh shit” I said and ran over to the trash can to throw up, I heard feet moving behind me and someone moved my hair out of my face. Whatever I threw up was not normal in any type of way.

“okay we have to get her to the hospital” I heard Kassidy say as she helped me up and put her arms around me leading me out the door and into the hallway. I coughed felt something wet in my hand, blood, I was coughing up blood!! Someone handed me some tissue, probably Taylor and we made our way out of the school and to the parking lot but after that I passed out.
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Oh My God what's wrong with kat!!!!!! 0.o

So this is the longest chapter I've written according to my Microsoft word lol:)
So what do ya think people do ya like it? I'm sorta loving Jasper's bad side ha oh yea hahah:)
umm what else was i going to say...oh yea i've updated 3 times this week, woo i'm on a roll ha:) Thanks especially to Mayhem17 for commenting again!!:)