Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

I felt like throwing up...or crying

My nerves were a wreck, I sat in my seat behind the stage waiting for the program to start, waiting for our music teacher to go up and explain what we were doing and then for us to come onstage and every time I thought about everybody staring at me I felt like throwing up…or crying maybe even both.

“Kat, Kat hello are you ready?” Taylor asked snapping me out of my daze and I looked at him confused.

“It’s time to go onstage” he responded to my look and handed me the microphone and I grabbed it with shaking hands.

It’s time already, but I’m not ready…but before I could say anything Taylor and Jordan took my hands and walked me out on stage and placed me in between Josh and Chad and then they went to their places. Thank god the curtain was drawn, I could take a quick breather before they opened.

‘Oh shit to late’ I thought as the curtain was pulled back and I saw everyone staring, the whole Cullen family was right in front along with some other families and Kerry and Kassidy.

I looked further back and saw some of the student body, mostly 11th and 12th graders…
‘If I mess up I’ll be humiliated forever by them, I’ll never live it down and I’ll be--’

My thoughts were interrupted by Josh who started playing the first chords to the song and I knew it was now or never, so I opened my mouth and started to sing after finishing the first song i was prepared for the 2nd and 3rd ones and at the end of it all there was no booing, just a bunch of clapping, whistles and excited and happy screaming of our names. I don’t think there’s anything that can compare to this feeling.

~20 mins later~

I made my way down to the school library where they were having some get together after program thing…I’m not sure all I knew was that there would be food and drinks for everyone. When I walked in I was bum rushed by a whole bunch of people, telling me how great the performance was. I just thanked them and kept it moving looking for my band and of course they were at the food table.

“Ah there is out lovely rockstar, come forth we have soda for ye” Josh said and I looked at him weirdly.

“When did you start talking like that” I said giggling

“Ever since Sir Josh took over” he said smiling

I just laughed and picked up an orange soda while looking around for My Cullen family and I spotted them not to far away from me, so I walked over and Alice skipped over to me with excitement and hugged me.

“Kat you didn’t tell me you could sing, you were awesome” she said smiling her beautiful Alice smile and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Thanks Alice and I really didn’t tell anybody I could sing…well Jazz knew I could but only because he caught me once” I giggled

“Where is he anyway” I asked her

“Oh he went outside to get some air” she told me

I talked to my family and some more of my friends then went looking for Jasper.

“Katora” I heard someone say and I looked behind me.

“Jasper” I called out but he didn’t see him anywhere so I went in the direction that I heard the voice come from and I ended up in the gym.

“Jazz” I said but again no answer

“Looking for someone beautiful” someone said and I turned

There stood a very handsome man with all black clothes on and his hair was blonde almost white, I couldn’t determine his eye color in the dark gym but I could have sworn I saw some red.

“yea but I see he isn’t in here…what are you doing in here?” I asked, I don’t know why I was still talking to him, I know I should have left straight back out but this man caught my interest.

“I was actually looking for the restroom and ended up here” he said

“Oh do you want me to show you where it is?” I asked

“Yes” he answered simply and we made our way out of the gym and through the hallway until we reached the restroom.

“Here you go” I said giving him a small smile

“Thank you” he said and I was beginning to turn away but I wanted to know something.

“So um do you live here or something” I asked curiously

“No just visiting some friends and their daughter goes to school here and they invited me to come to this event” he explained

“Oh…well ok then…I’ll see you um…later” I said and turned once again and walked down the hall to the entrance door to go find Jasper.
The breeze hit me right when I got out the door and I pulled my jacket closer to me and zipped it up.

“What are you doing out here?” a familiar voice asked and I jumped and turned around to see jasper with a smirk on his face.

“Looking for you of course” I said smiling and he hugged me close to him seeing that I was cold, it didn’t work much because he’s always cold, it’s kind of weird.

“Come on let’s go back inside I’m cold and I want to see if Carlisle will take me to the movies to see the lion king 3d” I said to him after a few minutes.

“You’re such a little kid” he said laughing

“Yes I know, come on” I said pulling him with me into the building.

~Narrator’s P.O.V~

“We are not taking her today my lord?” a man with dark brown hair almost black asked the blonde one as they were hiding in the darkness of the forest.

“No we will wait until after her birthday, that way she will come willingly and won’t put up a fight” the blonde one said in a cold voice before they both ran deeper into the forest.
Songs they performed
Flyleaf - Arise
Evanescence - Sweet sacrifice
Evanescence - Lithium
Marianas Trench - Good to you

Kat's performance outfit
Kat's movie outfit
♠ ♠ ♠
So yea it took me a while to update sorry about that but i was writing down what was going to happen next and then i thought it was crap so i came up with a whole new chapter and well here it is lol:)
I had to limit some of the songs they performed cause the whole show wasn't for them lol the theater people had to perform too haha.

Anyway comment people i would love to know what you think and i'm pretty sure that you all know who the blonde haired man is...if you don't then *shrugs* lls

Oh and can anyone make me a banner?, every time i try to make one it comes out all fucked up. I would greatly appreciate it and i'll even bake you cookies and give you all my trick or treat candy lmao!xD