Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Happy Halloween Birthday Kat pt.1

I woke up the next morning feeling good I was 18 finally, the age of adulthood. Even though today was a cloudy, rainy day it was perfect weather for Halloween and I couldn’t wait to see what my family had planned for me today. Getting out of bed was something that I really didn’t want to do but my stomach was growling and I could smell a really big birthday breakfast being cooked downstairs.

“Food!!” I yelled out running downstairs until I got to the kitchen.

“Hi” I said happily smiling at Esme

“Hello Sweetheart, Happy birthday” she said coming around the counter to hug me.

“Is food all you think about?” I heard Emmett say behind me and I turned around to his smiling face.

“No I think about other things too but I would have to say food is number two on the list” I said smiling up at him.

“What’s number one” he asked

“Music” I stated simply, shrugging.

“Happy Halloween Birthday Kat” he said laughing and picking me up for one of his awesome Emmett hugs that could cheer anyone up.

“Thanks bro” I said and he handed me a something wrapped up and box shaped.

“Oh my god” I squealed taking the present and automatically ripping the paper off.
What was in it was a blue colored toy microphone with a bracelet and ring.

“Oh I’ve seen the commercial for these it’s so cool” I said picking up the ring and taping it to the back of the microphone where it said tap here.

“Hello” I said into it and it sounded like my voice had been chipmunkified(not a word i know)

“Ah I love it thanks Em!!” I said

“No problem I got one too” he said and I laughed

“I bet rose is pretty annoyed huh” I said

“Yes I am he talks through that thing every chance he gets” Rosalie said coming out of the living room.

“Rose!!” I yelled automatically running to hug her.

“I missed my energetic musician” she said as we backed out of the hug.

“You just saw me yesterday” I said

“Yea well…” she trailed off and handed me a pretty designed gift bag.
I quickly looked in seeing multiple things a blue digital camera, and two gift cards both with 100 dollars on them.

“Thanks Rose” I said hugging her again.

“Okay you two pose for the first picture on my camera” I said and they did.

“Love it” I said and then turned back to Esme to see Carlisle there too.

“Pose” I said to them quickly taking the pic.

“Ok now eat and you’ll get to see the rest of your presents” Esme said and I quickly sat down to eat the wonderful smelling breakfast.

*10 minutes later*

“oh my god I never knew it could take so long for someone to eat, why is it taking you so long today usually you would be done in 5 minutes” Emmett complained

“Well i asked Carlisle and he told me that you’re supposed to chew you food 20 times before you swallow it” I told him

“What teenager asks questions like that?” he said

“A very intelligent one” Carlisle answered and I nodded

“Don’t worry Emmett I’m done” I said drinking the rest of my apple juice before he pulled me from my chair covered my eyes and started walking me somewhere.

“Okay so I don’t know how I didn’t think of getting you this but I’m still going to take credit for you having it.” He said and stopped me removing his hands from my eyes.

“Ahh an Xbox Kinect” I yelled running over to the tv.

“Yea we figured you would like it” a new voice said and I looked behind me to see Bella and Edward smiling.

“Uh yea I love it” I said jumping up and down like a little kid on Christmas when I saw the Just Dance 3 game, before going to hug them.

“And since bells doesn’t like to dance, Edward you’ll be the first to try it out with me” I told him pulling him into the middle of the living room and putting the game in before going next to him.

“Okay so what song are we dancing to?” he asked me smirking

“Um” I said looking at the back of the game case before seeing one of my favorite queen songs.

Crazy little thing called love” I said without hesitation

“I knew you were going to say that” he said

“Of course you did you’re like a freaky mind reader” I said laughing

“I hope you kick Edward’s ass Kat” Emmett said to me before the game started

“Don’t worry I will” I told him

*5 minutes later*

“Aw it’s a tie” I said

“It seems that we are on the same dance level, sis” Edward said

“Yes I suppose we are” I admitted

“Okay everybody let’s let Kat get dressed so we can meet the others downtown” Carlisle said

“Awesome we’re going downtown!” I said hurrying up the stairs to take a shower and get dressed but before I made it to my room I heard Jasper call me back to his.

“Oh hey I was wondering where you were” I told him going over to his room door and giving him a hug.

“Yea I heard all the ruckus downstairs and decided to wait until you were done so I could give you my present alone” he said

“Hey you said ruckus, I love that word!!” I told him and he shook his head

“Is that all you heard in that sentence?” he asked

“No, so where’s my present!” I said

Jazz grabbed my hand leading me into his room and I looked around eagerly, this is the first time I’ve ever really been inside his room and now that I see it I love it, dark blue colored walls a cool looking bed, flat screen TV, some really awesome civil war memorabilia and of course his acoustic guitar.

“Okay ready?” he asked and I looked back at him nodding

He uncovered a giant canvas with a drawing of Emilie autumn, more like a collage of pictures drawn together of her. I couldn’t believe it, I was absolutely in love with it. I held it up to get a better look of it.

“You know if you leave your mouth open bugs will fly in it” I heard jazz say before laughing and I shut my mouth.

“So judging by your expression I’m guessing you like it” he said and I put the drawing down gently leaning it against the wall where it was.

I went up to him and surprised him by kissing him suddenly

“I LOVE IT!!” I said enthusiastically before hugging him again, picking up the portrait and bolting out of his room to show the others.

But before heading downstairs I ran back to his room and poked my head in the door to see him still standing where I left him with a grin on his face.

“Oh and you better be ready within an hour because we’re all going downtown to meet the others ok” I said before hurrying once again to show the others the best birthday present I could ever receive.

Kat's going downtown outfit
Kat's pj's
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Hey everybody I'M BACK!! wow it's been a long time and i am truly sorry about that, life ya know it sucks sometimes lol and writers block is a horrible thing.

Also I've been so annoyed because i have this horrible ear ringing thing called Tinnitus and it is soooo annoying sometimes ugh it's ringing right now as i type this but... on to better things. I know it's a little late to be posting things about Halloween but i had to write this part it's important to the story and i couldn't just skip Kat's birthday could i? i think not!

So who saw breaking dawn? i did, did you like it? i thought it was pretty awesome:) What did you all get for Christmas? i got an e reader, an Xbox kinect and some pretty awesome clothes:)
and last but not least i shall be updating really, really, really soon this time i mean it, i promise. if i don't then that means my internet is off and i am sorry.
oh and shout out to Alleycatsgarden on deviant art for the Emilie Autumn drawing:)

Love you all<3 and thanks for waiting so patiently, just for that you all get tea and crumpets lol^_^
Song played while writing - Emilie Autumn - Swallow