Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Happy Halloween Birthday Kat pt.2

I loved being downtown, just being out of the house and away from school was nice. I didn’t care if the sun wasn’t out and I didn’t care if it could storm at any second I was just happy to be with my family.

“So what are we going to do?” I asked Carlisle and Esme

“We’re meeting Alice and Andrew first and then after that it’s up to you” Esme said

“Awesome!” I said
In less than a few minutes we were parked in front of one of the many malls here and I was practically jumping out of my seat with excitement.

“Come on people don’t move so slowly” I said when I got out of the car and everyone was just stepping out.

I was practically dragging Jasper and Emmett across the parking lot.
Once inside the mall I spotted Alice and Andrew immediately near the kid’s center where parents would let their kids play for a while. I bounded over to them hugging Alice first then Andrew.

“Hi Kat Happy Birthday” Alice said first then Andrew

“Thanks” I said

“Come on your present is in here” Alice said taking my hand and guiding me into the children’s play area.

“Are we going to slide down the slide and play with the blocks?” I asked her confused

“No silly one your present is in here” she told me

“Oh” I said still confused, what present that Alice got me could possibly be in a children’s play area.

“Ok stand right here” she said and stopped me in front of a long red slide.

“You can come down now little one” she said softly and that’s when I heard someone at the top sit down and start to slide. I was about to move believing that the person coming down would probably kick me in the knees but too late the person was already at the bottom and it took me a minute to realize that they were in front of me already and that I didn’t feel any pain from a kick.

When I saw who it was I could only bend down and hug her.

“Hi Kat I missed you” Melody said to me hugging me, hands tight around my neck holding on for dear life.

Everybody remembers her right? She’s the 7 year old that I had become attached to while in the asylum.

“I missed you too Mel” I said tears sliding down my face.

This beat Jasper’s present big time.

“You’re crying” she said letting me go

“I’m happy” I told her

“Oh” she said and hugged me tight once more.

“Alice told me why you couldn’t visit me, are you ok now?” she asked

“Yea I’m perfect now, Dr. Carlisle fixed me up” I told her smiling I knew she had a crush on Carlisle.

She gasped “Dr. Carlisle, is he here” she asked and I nodded

“Where!!” she said excitedly, I looked back at the entrance realizing that the others hadn’t followed us in. Melody looked where I was looking and spotted Carlisle immediately and blushed.

I couldn’t help but laugh it was so cute.

“Come on” she said grabbing my hand and walked me straight over to Carlisle.

“Hi Dr. Carlisle” she said shyly and I smiled, this was a moment I wish I was recording or at least getting pictures of. Alice came over with my Camera in her hands, I figured she was recording it.

“Hey Melody” Carlisle said bending down giving her a perfect smile.
She looked up at me before hugging him.

“Ah young love, I remember when I was 7 I had the biggest crush on this nurse that was at the doctor’s office I went to” Emmett said with a dreamy look on his face until rose smacked his arm.

“Ouch” he said looking at her and she gave him a look back.

“You know you’re the only one for me” Emmett said before hugging her and everyone laughed, well almost everyone. I and Jasper looked at each other for a second, maybe we were thinking the same thing.

‘I hope I can be the only one for you’

My thoughts were interrupted by Melody who had finished talking with Carlisle.

“Guess what!” she said

“What?” I asked feeling the excitement and happiness roll off her in waves which in turn made me happy and excited.

“I’m not in the asylum no more” she told me

“Really” I gasped

“Yea, some lady came and took me away from there but then she took me to another place. She called it an orphanage but I’m not there either cause I got adopted” she said

“Oh my god are you serious? Who adopted you?” I asked her almost jumping for joy that she didn’t have to be in any one of those horrible places.

She walked over to Rose and Emmett “They did!” she told me grabbing ahold of Rosalie and Emmett’s hand and they both looked down at her smiling.

“Aw I’m so happy I don’t know what to do, I want to cry but then I want to jump around like a fool” I said so I just went and hugged the three of them.

“Thanks” I whispered to Rose knowing that this was her doing.

“No problem I was telling Emmett that it was time for some children anyway and Melody is absolutely perfect” she said smiling.

I looked at Emmett and Melody who was back inside the children play area, she wanted him to slide down the slide with her and Em looked at the tiny thing skeptically but I’m sure he would do it anyway.

“Aunt Kat” I heard another little voice say behind me and turned to see Renesmee who seemed like she grew a lot so quickly.

“Hi Nessie” I said going to hug her.

“Your parents have to let me see you more, you’re growing far too quickly” I said to her

“I know right but I heard mommy and daddy saying that you should be my official babysitter” she said and I laughed looking at Bella and Edward who pretended like they weren’t listening.

“I wouldn’t mind babysitting you at all” I told her

“Ok so shall the shopping begin” Alice said

*2 maybe 3 hours later*

“Can’t shop any more…energy gone…pulse slowing…bags. Too. Heavy” I said and then dropped myself down on a bench sitting next to Edward and put my head on his shoulder which wasn’t really comfortable at all just hard.

“What do you mean the bags are heavy, you got us carrying them” Emmett said

“I’m not the one who is feeling tired, that girl over there is” I said pointing at a girl who was coming towards us and who was carrying several bags full of whatever.

“Wow your power is in full effect here” Carlisle said quietly

“Ugh where is that boy I swear to god I’m going to kick his ass when I get ahold of him” I said angrily my emotions changing suddenly.

I looked up at my family shocked

“I’m sorry it wasn’t me, it was her” I said nodding my head in the direction of a middle aged woman who was dialing a number on her phone.

“Charlie where the hell are you, I’ve been calling you for 15 minutes” we heard her say before walking off in the opposite direction from us.

I started laughing

“Oh no I think she’s picked up another one” Emmett said looking around which made me laugh harder.

“No that’s all me” I said grabbing Bella and dragging her with me to a bookstore that we had yet to go into.

“Well that was exciting” I heard Jasper’s deep voice say

“Yea, how come you don’t do that jazz you would be way more fun” Emmett responded

*20 minutes later*

Bella and I came out of the book store with bags full of books.

“You were only in there for 20 minutes and you guys bought up all the books” Edward said

“Shut up we did not and it’s only 5 bags, one of which is Bella’s” I said and looked around

“They went to get food, kids were hungry” he said answering my unspoken question and I looked at him.

“You’re weird dude it’s like you’re always reading my mind, get out my head” I told him smiling and he laughed but stopped when I handed him my bags.

“Ugh” he grumbled

“Onward to victory” I announced and grabbed the closest hand which was Jasper’s, weird I didn’t see him there at first.

“Don’t buy anything else, I don’t feel like carrying more bags” Edward said behind us

“Don’t worry Edwina I’m going to go eat” I said laughing at the name and speeding off with Jazz before Ed could say anything else.
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okay so i wrote this whole chapter in one day yay!! Anyway her birthday isn't over...what's a birthday without a surprise party right?!! So i'm guessing you all know what the next chapter will be about:) and then it will be on to the serious stuff lol
song listened to while writing
Play - Girls