Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

La Di Da Di, we likes to party!

We decided to leave the mall at 6 and head home, Nessie and Melody were going to spend the night at Rose and Emmett’s place. Emmett and Rose wanted to stay with us for a while so they called one of Bella and Edwards friends whose name I believed was Jacob, to take the little ones and watch them until they came home. I was a little skeptical at first but after a little talking to him I trusted him instantly, he seemed like a very kind, loving person and it was easy to like him.

“Did you have fun Kat?” Esme asked me once we were in the car making our way home.

“Yes I did” I told her smiling but then I felt it.

“Wait a minute you two are hiding something from me, I can feel it, what is it?” I said unexpectedly to Carlisle and Esme.

“We have no idea what you’re talking about sweetheart” Carlisle answered his face showing no emotion of being caught.

“When will the lies end!” I said repeating the words I heard on my favorite cartoon, Invader Zim.

They both laughed and it got quiet leaving me to think about what they could possibly be hiding. After a little more thought I just gave up and in a little we were home and I was stepping outside about to make my way to help with all the bags but Alice caught me by my wrist and spun me around to face the door.

“The men will handle the bags let’s just make our way in the house” She said excitedly

“Ok?” I said more as a question than an answer.

When we first stepped in everything seemed quiet at first and then “SURPRISE!”

People yelled coming out of nowhere and scaring me half to death, Alice chose to snap a picture at that time, the flash blinding me for a second before people came up to me giving me hugs and saying happy birthday. The last people who I got to hug where my closest friends who were right near the snack table.

“Save the best for last huh?” I said to them

“Of course” Kerry said hugging me tight.

“Happy Birthday Kat” Kassidy said to me hugging me next and then the guys.

I looked over at Josh who seemed oddly quiet and he was nervous about something.

“What’s wrong Josh you seem a little nervous” I asked him and the others looked over at him.

“Oh Joshua here is afraid you won’t like your present he got you” Jordan said slyly and Josh gave him a look.

“Aw don’t worry Josh I’m sure I’ll love it” I told him hugging him again.

“I hope so” he whispered and kissed my forehead.

We all talked for a while but then Alice dragged me over to the middle of the living room and in the middle of the mob of people from my school. Did Alice invite the whole damn school? It sure felt like she did.

“Okay everybody time to sing Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl” she said loud enough so people could hear.

The music cut off and then came the chorus of people singing and me grinning like an idiot when the cake came in. It was a perfect combination of Halloween and a Birthday, decorated with witches and pumpkins and words saying Happy Halloween Birthday with 18 candles around it.

“Okay make a wish and blow out the candles” Alice said

I thought about what I could possibly wish for when I already have everything I could possible want and need. I looked around at my family and friends and decided what I wanted.

‘I wish to always have my family and friends with me by my side no matter what and to be happy and healthy’ and blew out the candles.

Everyone clapped and whistled

“What did you wish for?” Emmett asked

“Now if I told you it wouldn’t come true” I told him smiling

“Okay presents!” Alice said excitedly.
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okay so this is a short part but it had to be done. I can't wait for the next part, i already have planned what josh is going to give Kat! I have it all planned but not written down so once it's written i will post it automatically:)

Thanks to choirgirlx3 for commenting!:)

Song that inspired the chapter