Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Present, trick or treating and revealing feelings oh my!

“Okay so this is from Esme and Carlisle” Alice said handing me a small envelope. I looked at it wondering what could possibly be in something so…Flat. My excitement got the better of me and I hurried to open it sticking my hand inside and grabbing what was inside pulling it out.
I had to look again to make sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me and when I decided that they weren’t I screamed out in happiness.

“Emilie Autumn Tickets!!!” I squealed

“We thought you would love it” Esme said smiling

“I do thank you guys so much” I said hugging her then Carlisle, and then looking back at the 4 tickets in appreciation.

‘Four tickets huh I wonder who I’m going to take’ I wondered looking over at Kerry and Kassidy. Of course they are going but who else should I bring, Alice? Eh I have time to think about it the concert isn’t until December.

“Okay so since you have so many cards that I’m pretty sure you don’t feel like opening right now let’s just skip to Josh’s present” Alice said turning me around quickly to see josh sitting on a stool with his acoustic guitar looking like he was going to be sick, Chad and Taylor on his left and Jordan on his right, with everyone looking at them. Alice pushed me closer to him and made sure I was directly in front of them and I smiled at Josh.

He smiled back nervously and said “I hope you like it” before starting to strum the guitar and starting to sing.

When the song ended a lot of things were clear to me.
I. Josh had some serious singing skills.
II. Josh had some strong feelings for me and
III. Jasper was extremely Jealous

Josh put the guitar down and everyone clapped before the party resumed, I walked over to him and hugged him.

“I loved it how could you be so worried about it.” I told him and he smiled shyly and shrugged

“You want to dance” he asked as ‘Calling all the monsters’ came on.

“Sure, you’re not going to do your special Josh dance are you” I asked him

“I don’t know now that you reminded me about it maybe I should” he said pulling me in the crowd.

“Oh no” I grumbled but laughed afterwards

~After the party~

I, Kassidy, Kerry, Josh, Taylor, Chad, and Jordan all were helping clean up after the party, well we were joking around mostly but there wasn’t much to do it wasn’t a wild party.

“So Kat what do you say to a last minute trick or treating?” Kerry asked

“I say let’s do it!!” I yelled then ran into the kitchen to find Carlisle and Esme talking.

“You can go” Esme said before I asked she probably heard Kerry ask me.

“Yes!” I said before running off to the front door to meet my friends.

“Just be back before 2” Carlisle yelled before I closed the door.

“Kay love you” I yelled

“Love you too” they answered in unison and I closed the door and made my way to Jordan’s truck piling in next to chad.

“Let’s go!” I yelled and we all cheered driving away from the house.

*30 minutes later*

“Oh man I can’t wait to bust open all this candy” I said looking into the plastic bag that I had, I got the plastic bag from Jordan the weirdo had a bunch of them in his trunk.

“I know right I’m going to be up all night” Josh said beside me.

We had split off in twos, Kerry grabbed Kassidy quickly and Josh had clung to me immediately so that left chad, Jordan and Taylor who stayed together. We all went in different directions to different neighborhoods and decided to meet back where the truck was when we were done.

“Well if you’re up all night you can always call me” I said and stopped walking to stand in front of Josh.

“Yea you’re right but I get kind of crazy when I get a sugar rush” he said

“Eh I can handle crazy” I said laughing then suddenly I felt Josh’s lips on mine and I kissed back immediately but it felt wrong, my brain told me to pull away but I didn’t listen and then it was over and we stared at each other. He was the first to speak.

“I’m sorry I just I really like you Kat, you’re different from all these other girls here and you actually accept me for who I am, I know I haven’t known you long but I just feel that there’s something there” he said and I stood shocked.

I had always liked Josh and thought he was very sweet, funny and highly attractive but I had never really seen him in a romantic way, when we would flirt it was just harmless fun, well that’s what I thought anyway.

“Um it’s ok Josh I like you too but I don’t know if I like you the way you like me, but I need time to think” I told him and he nodded.

“I understand” he said

“Come on let’s meet the others” I told him and we made our way back to the truck in silence.

The drive back to my house was silent too, I guess everyone was tired and I couldn’t wait to get into my room and jump in my bed.

“Night Kat hope you enjoyed your birthday” Kerry said hugging me before I got out the car.

“I did thanks for everything guys, goodnight and drive safe love you” I said to all of them.

“Love you too, night” they responded and I made my way into the house and up the stairs to my room. I cut the light on and screamed startled to see Jasper in my room chilling on my bed.

“Damn it Jazz don’t scare me like that, I almost had a heart attack” I told him and he laughed

“Sorry just thought I’d wait up for you, did you have fun?” he said

“Yes I did look what I got” I said holding out the heavy bag.

“That’s a lot” he said

“Hells yea” I said and threw the bag on my bed and made my way to the drawers to get my pajamas and other things that I needed to take a shower with.

“You can stay in here if you want while I take a shower” I told him

“I’ll be waiting” he answered simply and I went into the bathroom.

15 minutes later I felt better, teeth brushed, and hair thrown back into a ponytail, throwing my dirty clothes into the hamper and I made my way over to my bed, threw the candy on my bean bag chair and flopped down on the bed next to Jasper. I quickly got under the covers feeling self-conscious next to him.

“Sooo what’s up” I asked but I felt his emotions he was feeling worried about something but tried to cover it up.

“Nothing just wanted to hang out with you” he said

“Don’t lie to me Jazz I feel your emotions, you’re worried about something” I told him and he sighed.

“Do I have some competition now?” he asked and I knew immediately that he was talking about Josh.

“I felt your jealousy at the party” I said laughing

“But really jazz I’m not sure, all this is really weird and new for me I never had a chance to deal with the things that normal teens got through so I’m still trying to figure things out but when I do you’ll be first to know” I said smiling sweetly

“That’s all I can ask for” he said and smiled back at me.

“So did you want to stay in here tonight or did you just want to talk about that” I said I was honestly hoping he would stay here with me.

He smiled picking up on my emotions no doubt.

“Do you want me to stay in here” he asked

“Jazz you already know what I want you to do” I said

“I want you to say it” he said and I blushed

“Oh, dear Jasper would you do the honor of staying with me tonight” I said to him being overly dramatic with it and he smiled.

“No I don’t think I will” he said standing up and I got up from under the covers.

“you suck I asked for nothing” I told him before reaching up to kiss him and he reacted quickly kissing me back, this felt right being with Jasper just felt like the right thing to do but I would need more time to think about things before I rushed into something.

“Now go turn the light off and get in bed” I told him kissing him one more time before getting back under the covers and in no time the light was out and I felt Jaspers body next to mine, his arm wrapped around me and I moved closer to him.

“Night Jazz” I said closing my eyes and immediately began to drift off.

“Sweet dreams Kat” Jazz said before I slipped into darkness.

So this is the song that josh and the guys sang
This is what the tickets look like except it says december lol
Kat's pj's
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Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and the next one i'm posting right after this so look for it lol
Here's the song they were dancing to Calling all the monsters