Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

The truth

*2 weeks later*

“Kat sweetheart you mind doing the dishes for me?” Esme asked me when she came downstairs looking beautifully dressed in some casual clothes, I guess Carlisle was taking her somewhere where they didn’t have to dress up.

“Sure Esme I don’t mind since I’m mostly the one who makes all the dishes anyway” I said giggling a little. At that time Carlisle came downstairs dressed similarly.

“Ready?” he asks her and she nods.

“Ok you crazy kids, have fun don’t stay out too late” I said ushering them out the door and that’s when Emmett decided to rush to the door and say.

“Don’t forget to use protection!!” he yelled as they got into the car.

“Ew” I exclaimed and shut the door.

“What” he asked

“I DO NOT want to think about them doing…that” I said and he just laughed

“Well little sis you’ll be doing it one day, ya know soiling your royal oats” he said and I burst out laughing and I heard Andrew, Edward and Rose laugh as well from in the living room.

“What?” Emmett asked again

“Go watch football or something” I said to him and made my way to the kitchen to start the dishes.

“Its 7:00pm football’s not on” he said

“Well go play the Xbox or something geez” I said laughing as I started up the water, putting the stopper in and then dropped some soap in. As the water filled up I started thinking about yesterday when I came from Kassidy’s house. I couldn’t believe that she had kissed me and told me that she was in love with me.


“But what about Taylor” I said

She sighed “We broke up last week we just haven’t really told anybody about it”
I was surprised at this new information and then began to realize how stupid I was for not seeing the signs. Her and Taylor weren’t spending that much time together anymore and she started dressing differently not as reserved as she used to…she was trying to get my attention I realized.

“Shit” I said under my breath and began to gather my textbook and notebook up to put into my bag.

“Kat please don’t go” she said with a look of sadness on her face.

“I have to…I need to think about this” I told her and she nodded in understanding.

After that I called Carlisle to come pick me up at Starbucks, where I had walked to, to get a hot chocolate and think, he came in and just sat there silently knowing that something was wrong and waited for me to speak first. We ended up making it to the car before I started crying right before I got in and he came and hugged me. He knew it was something that I should talk to with Esme or Rosalie or one of the others but I knew he would understand and I trusted him more than anybody, doesn’t mean I don’t trust or love the others but I’ve known him longer and really felt safe talking to him about everything.

“I’m just confused I’ve never been through something like this before” I said when we got into the car.

“What do you think is better for you?” he said

“I don’t know” I sighed looking out the window the rest of the ride home.

I got out of the car and just stood there for a little.

“You want to stay out here for a little” Carlisle asked and I just nodded silently and he took my book bag and went into the house.

I walked into the woods but not too far and found a tree to climb and just sat on a branch thinking who I would choose, Jasper, Kassidy or Josh. I loved them all but could I really be in love with any of them.

“Kat” I heard someone say my name and looked down to see Jasper. I jumped down in front of him and he brushed my hair away from my face looking into my eyes for a moment before hugging me and I hugged back taking in his scent, that’s when I realized that yes I was in love with one of them and it was the blond, southern gentleman hugging me right now, and I hugged him tighter.

“Oh my twitchy witchy girl I think you are so nice, I give you bowls of porridge and I give you bowls of ice…cream” I said repeating lines from my new favorite movie Coraline while washing the dishes.

*2nd flashback school
a week ago*

I decided to dye my hair a dark blue after watching that movie and also cut it into a bob style.

“You look just like Coraline just a darker skinned version” Kerry said when I came to school the next day.

I laughed “I wasn’t trying to, the movie just inspired me to try it out” I said

“Well it looks good, I like it” she told me

“Thanks” I said her

“Ow” I cried out as I picked up a knife wrong and cut my hand, blood immediately surfacing and pooling in my palm.

Next thing I know I’m pushed into a wall pretty hard and I blacked out…no not really blacked out more like I was seeing everything that was going on but it wasn’t me controlling my body like something else had taken over.

~Narrator pov~
Jasper pushed her into the wall but as soon as that happened she suddenly got back up charging at him and knocking him back, the others could only stare with shock, a human could never do that to a vampire it was impossible but it was obvious at the time that Kat was not human.

Her whole demeanor changed, the smile that was usually on her face was gone a complete scowl was set, her body language went from ‘I’m happy’ to ‘I’m ready to kill’ but the main thing that caught everyone’s attention were her eyes they went from the bright hazel that they used to be to all black. This was something that they had never experienced before and they didn’t know how to handle it.

She jumped quickly over the counter top and landed on the other side picking Jasper up by his throat and tossing him pass the kitchen and into the banister of the stairs which shattered as he went through and hit the wall, he got back up to attack but he was suddenly pushed back but nothing it seemed until everyone looked at Kat to see her holding her hand out as if telling him to stop.

This is what she was talking about the day she came from the hospital as if she had pushed him back with some magical force that couldn’t be seen. Edward was the first to speak to her not trying to provoke her anymore, he didn’t know what else she was capable of and he didn’t want to find out.

“Kat” he said and she looked over at him quickly before returning her gaze to Jasper who was still pinned against the wall.

“Please let him go” he asked and she gave an inhuman growl before speaking.

“He attacked me, he deserves to die” she said in a voice that also didn’t seem like hers if he could guess he would say she had been possessed by some demon and that they were in deep shit because only Carlisle would know what to do but he wasn’t sure if he was right.

“Kat please” he heard Alice plead and Kat looked over to her, there must have been something in Alice that made her want to do as she asked because when she looked at her a type of realization showed over her face and she dropped her hand which sent Jasper, who was now calm and taking in everything, fall to the ground and Alice rushed over to him.

Edward took a step toward Kat but was held back by Bella who had a look of worry on her face, she wasn’t going to let her husband get hurt. Edward gave her a reassuring look and she let go reluctantly and he stepped forward a little more but quickly stopped when Kat growled.

“Stay away from me” she said in that same voice he didn’t recognize.

“I only want to help” he answered and she shook her head.

He didn’t know what to do and was relieved when he heard Carlisle and Esme make their way into all the mess. Esme gasped at Kat’s appearance and Carlisle got in front of Edward and everyone else holding his arm out signaling them to stay back.

“Katora please let me help you” He said his voice calming and steady as he took some careful steps toward her.

“No” she growled and took a step back from everything

“Katora please I don’t want to hurt you just let me look at your hand” Carlisle said taking more steps to her.

She looked down just realizing that her hand was sliced open it seemed as if she was thinking about something then slowly held her arm out to him palm up. Carlisle closed the distance between them and took her hand, everyone held their breath ready to attack if she tried something.

Carlisle looked down at her hand but suddenly looked back up at her his face showing a little fear was it? Maybe it was panic, her hand had just healed itself completely, closing the gash up and it looked as if it hadn’t even been there in the first place she looked up at him with a smirk on her face.

“Kat” he whispered and suddenly her smirk was gone a frown in place and everyone tensed up but relaxed when they saw that her eyes were returning back to normal, tears building up in them.

“You’ve been lying to me, this whole time you all have been lying to me about what you are” she said her voice back to normal and the tears falling freely.

So this is what her hair looks like now
this is what her eyes looked like when she changed
♠ ♠ ♠
awww poor kat she's all confused and hurt and just everything hahaha
If ya want to know what happens next you gotta comment, i'll post the next chapter up soon.