Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Should i stay or go?

I looked around at all of them, I felt betrayed by all of them but Carlisle the most, I trusted him with my life and he lied to me about being a vampire, honestly I didn’t care what he was but it was the fact that he lied to me. I had known him for almost 2 years and not a hint about anything, yes the pale skin, golden colored eyes and hard, cold skin should have been obvious but Carlisle told me that all of them had this rare disease and who was I to question it.

“When were you going to tell me huh?! Were you going to wait for me to move out or go to college and then suddenly disappear!!?” I said my tears falling more frequently.

I crossed my arms and breathed deeply knowing that if I got too upset I would probably blow something up or turn into that…thing again. I didn’t give any of them a chance to explain I just ran but not before looking back a Jasper and Alice. Both of them felt sad and guilty, they should be, when I turned into whatever it was I saw their past, over 50 years of marriage they were happy together but then Alice saw a vision of who their true mates were and they decided to divorce but the love that I saw was so intense, so much like a fairytale love and I know that I wouldn’t be able to be as good as Alice.

I could never hate any of them but I could sure as hell be pissed for a while couldn’t I? I ran into the woods hoping that they couldn’t find me and hoping that Edward picked up from my thoughts that I didn’t want to be followed. If you’re wondering how I know about Edwards mindreading it happened when I was that…thing…ok let’s not call it a thing it was a demon basically, but anyway when I turned into it flashes of everyone’s past went through my head quickly processing it all. Everything that they had ever done, said, and thought was there making it easy to find out what they were.

“That fight was really intense wasn’t it” I heard a voice say and I quickly went into defense mode the demon quickly coming back but this time I was controlling it.

I looked over to see the man that was at the school that day, same blonde/white hair but this time I saw his eyes clearer and they were red which made me tense up, this person was dangerous.

“Who are you?” I said watching him closely

“I’m Caius, I’m not here to hurt you I’m here to help” he said

“How?” I asked simply

“I know what you are and I know that you don’t know how to control it, I can help you” he said

“You’re a vampire too” I said seeing his past flash quickly before my eyes.

He smirked nodding “I suppose you’ve seen everything so will you come with me?”

I thought about this seeing his thoughts made me believe that he didn’t want to hurt me and that his brother, Aro and Marcus, also wanted to help to. I also saw his thoughts of my mother, my actual birth mother not the one who had put me in the asylum but the one who was just like me and had died giving birth to me. I wanted to know more about her and about what was going on with me so I decided.

“Yes I will” I told him he held his hand out to me and I took it and just like that I was leaving everything behind, school, my friends, my family and Jasper.

so here's her outfit
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Wow so just like that she left, do you guys think she should have went or stayed and talked it out with the Cullens? I wonder what will happen next, i'm excited to see everyone's responses!! Also i want to thank the people who commented! ChangeMeForever, Mayhem17-_-, and choirgirlx3 you guys rock!!:)

i'll update again really soon!! ^_^ so the song i listened to while writing this is awesome you gotta listen to it haha!! Yu-gi-oh forever!! lol

ok so i'm thinking about changing girl on here the person who i have being kat is the indian model/actress mugdha godse and the person i was going to change her to was actress Q'orianka Kilcher so i want the ppl to take a vote! should i keep the original girl or should i change what she looks like to the other girl! thanks:)