Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Do i really want to fit in here?

Getting to Volterra was easy Caius had everything set up already, what wasn’t easy was leaving everyone behind and not telling them what I was going to do but I’m sure that Alice should have had a vision by now unless they were blocked.

“You started blocking her the day you turned 18, she can’t see you or me or any of us when you’re around, I’m sure it’s been worrying her lately” Caius said suddenly

“Are you a mind reader or something, I don’t remember seeing that” I told him

“No I just knew you were thinking about them” he said looking over at me with a smirk
I shuddered under his gaze…see it’s not that I think Caius is unattractive in any type of way because he isn’t it’s just that…well how should I put this, he’s fucking creepy! He likes killing and punishing and he’s just plain evil and I didn’t need my empathic powers to realize that. I could only wonder what his brothers are like and I wouldn’t know until I met them and it would be too late to do anything then unless…

“So what are your brothers like?” I asked him moving a little further away in the car from the other vampire who introduced himself as Felix, he scared the shit out of me he’s really tall and strong just like Emmett but his eyes are nothing like Emmett’s, not saying that he doesn’t joke around but it was different.

“Well Marcus is quiet and depressed most of the time, he’s really no fun and Aro is too damn enthusiastic under all the cheeriness I believe he’s crazy” he said and I laughed

“What are their powers?” I asked

“Marcus sees relationships between people and how well they would interact with each other and Aro sees everything a person has ever thought with a single touch” he explained and I nodded silently taking the information in.

Wow it must suck for Caius to be the one without a power but really I don’t think he needed one his sadism is powerful enough. I snapped out of my thoughts when the Car suddenly stopped in front of a huge building, Caius and Felix stepped out and that was when I realized it was dark out, I wonder what time it was. Felix held out his hand to help me out of the car and I took it cautiously.

We made our way into the building and when we first stepped in there were 3 other vampires suddenly in front of us. Two boys and one girl, the younger looking ones look as if they could be twins but my suspicions were correct when I saw all three of their pasts and suddenly I sort of felt bad for the younger ones, who I learned from my visions, names were Jane and Alec. They were said to be witches in their time and were going to die from being burned but Aro “saved” them.
Now the one named demetri his past didn’t seem as horrible but either way I felt bad for all of them, no one should have to choose the life that they have now.

“Is this her master?” Jane asked

Master? Wow that is some serious shit if you’re called master, what are they his dogs?
I wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying but before I knew it Jane was in front of me introducing herself.

“It’s nice to meet you” I told her and she smiled which was weird, she had such a childlike innocence to her but yet there was something evil there too but I think I like her she oozes confidence.

Her brother Alec seemed shyer and quieter but I’m sure that when I get to know them more we’ll feel like we’ve known each other forever.

“Oh Master Aro is waiting for you Master Caius” Jane said

“Well let’s not keep him waiting any longer, I’m sure he’s overly excited” Caius said in a bored voice. He led everyone down the hall and to some elevators.

Elevators, are you serious? This place doesn’t seem like it should have elevators, what. The. Hell. Only me Caius, Jane, Alec and demetri went in and man was it uncomfortable. The silence was horrible, I looked back at demetri and he winked at me which caused me to smirk looking down at my hands.

When we got out of the elevator we went down yet another hall and passed a girl sitting at a desk, she was human, I realized and was suddenly saddened, she was going to be someone’s food when they didn’t want her anymore. We got to two big, black doors and I knew this was it, I was going to meet the rest of the volturi leaders.

Alec opened the doors and I quickly took in the room, the first things I noticed were there were hardly any windows or doors really. There were many people in the room and three large chairs in the middle, one in the front and the other two on either sides slightly backend.
There they were the rest of the volturi, Aro and Marcus, both with long black hair, red eyes and pale skin.

“Brother you’ve been gone for so long it’s nice to have you back! I see you’ve brought our guest of honor” he said greeting Caius and slightly touching his hand to see his thoughts of course, then turned to me.

“Hello young one it’s such a pleasure to meet you” he said excitedly and I focused on him and his past flashed before my eyes. I’m really going to have to stop doing that I’m starting to get a headache.

“It’s nice to meet you too” I said to him smiling slightly.

“My dear do you mind if i?” he asked and held out his hand
Ugh he wanted to see my thoughts, ok we’re getting a little too intimate here but it’s only fair since I saw his right?

I held my hand out cautiously putting it in his, he pulled me closer and we locked eyes, his were just so mesmerizing they weren’t like the others. There was a sort of milky tent to them that made them easier to look at but then I saw more of his past.

“Didyme” Aro started but was cut off by his sister.

“Just get it over with Aro I know what you’re here to do” she said sadness filling her eyes and her voice.

“I truly am sorry sister” he said looking into her eyes.

“No matter what I will always love you brother” she said

“And I Love you too” he said before attacking and beheading her.

I pulled my hand out of his and my eyes looked over to Marcus quickly before looking back at Aro. Poor Marcus that’s why he so depressed, his mate was killed by his own brother and he doesn’t know who really did it. I walked over to Marcus and held my hand out.

“Hi I’m Katora it’s wonderful to meet you” I said to him, I must have said something right because I saw some light flicker in his eyes before it disappeared.

“It’s quite nice to meet you too Katora” he said in his low deep voice before grabbing my hand and kissing it and I couldn’t help but smile. I looked over at Aro before going back to him and touching him briefly sending him my thought.

“Don’t worry I won’t say anything, you’re secret is safe” I thought

“You’ll fit right in Katora welcome to volterra” he said smiling

‘Do I want to fit in here’ I thought looking around the room of vampires and sighed maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.
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So there we go another chapter done and i'm not sure what should be in the next chapter...anybody got any ideas? and thanks for telling me which girl she should be i like my original girl lol:) Can u believe I started this story in 2010, the exact date was October 6Th wow we've come a long way hahaha but i just want to thank everyone who commented on the last chapter.

Once again all of you are awesome!!
Here's a song to listen to while you read:) it's by my favorite band Marianas Trench!!<3

Does anybody else love Marianas trench as much as i do, i'm a dedicated trencher forever lol^_^