Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

What have i gotten myself into?

It didn’t take me long to figure out their ways here and also find out more about Aro, Caius and Marcus. Aro was fucking psychotic, underneath his cheery exterior and smile this dude was bat crazy! Caius is just as I expected, evil just plain evil and also crazy. Marcus he actually has sense, he was the wise one out of them and I like him, he’s calm.

I also learned a lot about the volturi guard, Jane as I suspected is evil but she’s a lot of fun I’ve become very close to her, Alec he’s a sweetheart and way calmer and undercover with his evilness, Demetri is awesome and fucking hilarious he acts as if he’s not over 1000 or more years old when he’s around me and the other guard, and Felix is well…Felix. He’s a serious joker and I’m not going to lie I’ve had my fair share of fun with him making fun of the others.

I didn’t want to miss any school, I still want to graduate so I’m taking my lesson with Marcus and Aro, actually it’s not all the classes I had in school just the ones I need to graduate which are English, Chemistry and Statistic. I take English with Marcus and I take Statistics and Chemistry with Aro, they’re both awesome teachers but Aro is weird with his lessons, I think it’s because he’s crazy.

The guard is the ones that I practice fighting with, I’ve learned what all of my powers are and I’ve also learned that I can block and take everyone’s powers and use them as if they were my own, it’s pretty fun.

“Kat I want my power back I feel indifferent without them” Alec said to me as I was skipping down the hall to Aro’s study for my lessons.

“hmmm nope” I said continuing my way into the study

“But Kat” Alec whined before I shut the door in his face.

“I’ll give them back to you after I’m done” I said on the other side of the door.

“But that’s going to be forever” he said before leaving and I just laughed

“Having fun dearest?” Aro asked me and I smiled

“Yes” I said skipping over to sit across from him

“So what are we doing today?” I asked

“Well today we are going to experiment” he said

“With what?” I asked excitedly

“Come on, let’s take this to a different part of the building” he said holding his hand out to me and I took it standing up once again.

He led me out of his study and we made our way to the room where they basically did everything in which was the room I was led to when I first came here, you know the one with the three chairs? Yea that one…

“So what are we doing here?” I asked

“Have you been feeling more tired than usual, you’ve been sleeping more I’ve noticed” he said
I had been trying to hide that from everyone, I knew what it meant and I didn’t want to do it. See in order for me to stay alive I need to drink human blood and consume their soul. In Aro’s thought’s I saw that my mother was a succubus and my father a vampire which explains why I need blood and souls.

“I’m not doing it aro” I said to him firmly

“But young one you will continue to get weak until u die, I do not want that to happen and I know that you don’t either” he said
It’s true I didn’t want to die but I also didn’t want to harm innocent people.

“Right this way everyone” I heard Chelsea say as she led the humans down the hall to the throne room and before I knew it everyone was in the room in the blink of an eye. Ugh feeding time for the vamps, it’s not like I haven’t been in here when they fed cause I have but I don’t enjoy it.

I walked away from aro and went into a random corner of the room to be out of the way and that’s when the humans walked in and I looked away right when the doors closed and that’s when the screams started but there was one that stood out more than the others, it sounded like a baby crying and I looked to find it and there in the corner trying to protect her baby was a woman.

One of the guards was going over to her but I pushed him away with my telekinetic powers and ran over to her, she started pleading with me not to hurt her baby.

“Shh I’m not going to hurt you” I told her and she looked at me for a minute before handing me her baby.

“I know I’m going to die so please take care of her, her name is lyric” she told me and I looked down at the baby in my arms before looking back at her.

“I will I promise” I told her before moving and backing away from her as someone ended her life.

“So you’re keeping the baby I’m guessing” I heard Alec say next to me.

“You guessed right” I told him looking down at the baby who was looking at me with confusion.

“She’s beautiful you sure you want to keep her” Aro said suddenly appearing next to me

“Yes I’m sure” I told him and started walking out of the throne room as the guard cleaned up.

“Alec, Jane, Demetri come with me please” I said softly and within seconds they were next to me walking.

“I’m going to need diapers, milk, baby clothes and a lot of other baby things so if you don’t mind…”

“We’ll be back soon” Demetri said and kissed my forehead as we stopped at my room, Alec doing the same before disappearing with Demetri which only left me and Jane.

“Yes Jane I’m 100% sure that I want the baby” I told her

“I’m beside you through all of your decisions Kat” she said before bowing her head and then disappearing to join Alec and Demetri to go hunting for baby stuff.

“What have I gotten myself into?” I said aloud before looking down at the baby and saw that she was sleep.

Looks like this feeding thing for me will have to wait.

baby lyric
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ok so here's another chapter hope you all enjoy:) oh and i've started updating my Harry potter story so if ya want you should read it, i would really appreciate it!:)