Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

The big announcement

“How’s it going love?” Aro asked me as he entered my room.

“Good, she finally fell asleep” I told him nodding over to the crib, it had been over a month since
I took lyric in as my own and I think I was doing a pretty good job.

I had Jane and Alec babysit while I was taking my lessons and I believe they have become attached to her well actually everybody has, she’s absolutely adorable and so smart for a 11 month old.

“Wonderful now we can talk” he said coming all the way in my room and sitting beside me on my bed, he took my hands in his and we passed our thoughts around to each other and I sighed once I found out what he wanted to talk about.

“Dearest you’re getting sicker, weaker I know you don’t want to do this but please for the baby. I know you want to see her grow” he pleaded

That was low using lyric to try and make me feed but it was convincing and once I thought about what was happening to me I gave in. My hair was falling out I was losing my color and I felt drained and sleepy all the time I knew it would be a matter of time before I would die of starvation.

“Okay Aro I’ll do it” I said quietly and he massaged my hand with his.

“It will be ok love and you’ll feel so much better” he told me and stood pulling me up along with him out of my room.

“Jane, Alec” I said and they appeared by my door

“We’ll watch her” Alec said giving me a small smile and I nodded at the both of them as I walked with Aro to do the one thing that I never wanted to do, there’s going to be a lot of praying after this.

I walked back into my room about an hour later and saw that lyric was up and playing with her toys while Jane and Alec awed over her and I couldn’t help but smile when lyric looked at me and held out her hands saying “mommy!” she started calling me that recently and I wasn’t complaining.

I walked over to pick her up and just hugged her.

“Did Aunt Jane and Uncle Alec feed you?” I asked her

“Yup fed, changed and clothed” Alec said

“Good now say thank you to them” I said to her and she looked at them and yelled out something, Jane and Alec smiled “You’re welcome”

There was a sudden knock on the door and in came Demetri, lyric squealed and clapped and started saying “Meti, meti” the way she said it sounded like she was saying meaty which was hilarious and we all joked about it.

“Hey lyric” he greeted before turning to me

“Aro requests your presence in the throne room Kat and he says bring the little one too” Demetri said and went to take lyric.

“Aye aye meaty let’s go” I said and me, Jane and Alec laughed while Demetri just scowled

When we got down to the throne room I saw that everybody was in there including the wives, this must be a big announcement. I took my seat next to Aro and sat down, demetri handed lyric to me and I looked over at Aro confused.

Oh did I forget to mention, well yeah I did, I have my own chair in the throne room and its right next to Aro’s so now it’s me and Aro in the front middle and Caius and Marcus on either sides of us.

Aro stood it was silent suddenly.

“Everyone, I know that we don’t celebrate holidays here but this year is going to be different. Christmas is only 3 days away and I’ve decided to have a party and I have already sent out invitations to other covens and they’ve all agreed to come, so I want everyone on their best behavior and to have fun” Aro said cheerfully ending the meeting and everyone departed except the wives and some of the guard.

“Aro we haven’t had a party in ages why now?!” Aro’s wife, whose name I forget, asked.

“I think that it will be a way to officially welcome our two new members” Aro responded and his wife nodded enthusiastically before she came over to me and asked if she could play with lyric for a while. I told her she could, handing lyric over to her and lyric smiled happily, she walked out of the throne room cooing to lyric about how adorable she was and demetri looked at me asking if I wanted him to go with her and I nodded. He left the room quickly and I turned to Aro.

“I’m starting to think that Lyric is Demetri’s La tua cantante” Aro said suddenly and I nodded in agreement.

“Anyway Aro why didn’t you discuss this with me a little earlier?” I asked crossing my arms and waiting for his response.

“Well my dear I wanted it to be a surprise” he said

“So when you said that you sent an invitation to all of the covens did you actually mean all?” I said and he responded with a quick nod.

I ran my hands through my still blue, short hair.

I’m finally going to see the Cullen’s again will they be mad at me for just leaving without warning? They probably think I’m dead, won’t they be surprised when they see me!
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OK so i know i haven't updated this story in a long time sorry i still don't have any internet and i'm using mcdonalds WiFi so yeah lol anyway hope you all enjoyed this chapter and i'll try to update soon and also thanks for everyone who commented you guys are the ones who inspire me to continue writing<3

Oh and of course read my other story if you can please and thanks!