Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Reunited and it feels so good

3 days came and went and I was a nervous wreck on Christmas Eve morning. I knew that all the guests were coming early and when I say early I mean 4 or 5am when the sun wasn’t out yet of course. Lyric was sleep and Alec was watching me pace back and forth quietly.

“You’re going to make a hole in the floor Kat” he said

“Sorry” I answered and sat on the bed next to him, he took my hand and rubbed soothing circles on it with his thumb.

I looked up at him and my hazel eyes met his red ones and before I knew it we were kissing. It felt right but also wrong at the same time. We pulled away and looked at each other silently but right when he was about to say something there was a knock at the door, me and Alec quickly distanced ourselves and in walked Jane with a smile on her face.

Damn it she knew!

“If you two are done kissing Aro would like to see us all in the throne room, the guests have arrived and he wants you to greet them” Jane said and I got up quickly with Alec following along. Once we were outside of my room I held both Jane and Alec’s hands trying to calm my nerves.

When we got there the doors opened and everyone got silent and all eyes were on us, I saw the Cullen’s with disbelief on their faces.

“Ah there is our new member, everyone I would like you to meet Katora” Aro said cheerfully walking over to me and taking me away from Jane and Alec. He led me up the little steps where the thrones were and I looked at all the faces looking at me, I tried to ignore the Cullen’s and continued to greet everyone.

“Welcome everyone I’m glad you all could come, I’m sure you’ll find it very interesting here and I hope that you all will enjoy yourselves. The guards will be showing you to your rooms and if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask” I said ending my mini introduction and everyone was led out except the Cullen’s and I squeezed Aro’s hand.

“Love, I’ve assigned you to help the Cullen’s, they will be staying on your floor” he told me and I stared at him passing my thoughts.

‘Aro no I don’t want to’

‘My dear I see you’ve been unhappy lately and I know you miss them, try to reconnect I’m sure they will be happy to know that you are ok’

With that last thought to me he left out the room which only left me, the Cullen’s, Jane and Alec

We just stared at each other for what felt like hours and none of us made a move but then Esme suddenly came forward but Rosalie held her arm and stared at Alec and Jane who were at my sides, they moved to the doors when I nodded and Esme continued over to me quickly taking me in her arms and hugging me tightly.

The others were quick to follow behind Esme and one by one they all came to hug me.

“Oh my gosh I thought they wouldn’t let you two come” I said to Nessie and Melody

“I can’t believe how much you’ve grown” I hugged them both again and stood up.

That’s when I realized that I hadn’t gotten hugs from Alice or Jasper, I skipped over to Alice and hugged her tightly.

“I’ve missed you so much, ugh you can’t even imagine! I was watching tv and there was this woman that reminded me of you and I literally started crying” I said rambling on and on but I didn’t realize that she was crying but of course the tears never fell, it must be horrible not to actually release them.

Now I’ve never tried this before but I was going to now, I just kept hugging Alice and concentrated hard on what I wanted to do, it must have worked because everyone gasped. I pulled back from her to see the tears falling down her face.

“Oh my god I’m crying there’s something wrong with me” Alice said and I laughed shaking my head.

“I have this power that can turn non-living things into living things, I guess that’s how you could explain it” I said confused

“I’ve never tried it before but my mother could do it so ya know” I said

“Am I alive now or something?” she asked

“No what I did was just temporary, it would hurt if I turned you back into a human, more than when you were turned into a vampire but it would take less time, probably a few seconds or a minute. I’m not sure I haven’t tried it completely yet” I said rambling once again

Alice hugged me which stopped it and I hugged her again

“I missed you too” She said and pulled back from the hug and I looked over at Jasper.

“Jane, Alec would you mind showing everyone their rooms?” I asked

“Of course not” Jane said and everyone followed the two out of the room but I grabbed Jasper quickly pulling him over to me.

“Jane” I called out and she appeared at the door quickly “Be nice” I told her and she gave me an angelic smile before leaving.

“So I don’t get a hug or a hello?” I asked Jasper

“I really don’t deserve to say anything to you” he spoke and I sighed at hearing his voice for the first time in a while.

“Look Jazz I really don’t care about what happened, I’ve put it in the past an that’s where it will stay I forgive everybody for everything but really I need to be asking you if you forgive me” I said and he looked at me confused

“Forgive you for what darlin?” he asked

“For kicking your ass that day, you got owned!” I said and we both laughed

“Of course you’re forgiven” he said

“Good, I missed you” I said clinging onto him like a little kid

Well actually considering his age I was a kid, well kind of, ok I’ll shut up now.

“I missed you more” he said kissing my forehead

“Ok ok let me show you your room it’s totally awesome looking” I said dragging him out of the throne room and he laughed

I was happy that I and the Cullen’s had made up but there was something nagging at me and I knew what it was…that kiss with Alec.

What’s a girl to do?
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I'm a horrible updater i know i'm so sorry!!! i really don't like the new mibba layout it's making things complicated ugh but whatever...yay i'm back and i won't leave you all hanging like that ever again i promise!! So what did you guys think about this chapter? Should Kat have been the opposite of what i made her, should she have been mean, and quiet with the Cullen's since she's been living with the volturi? I'm thinking about writing an alternative chapter to see how that would turn out but please give me your opinion and tell me if you like it or not!! once again i'm sorry and here's a pic of one of my favorite Covens in BD and here is a video for you and i got one word for it...afro...lmao!!