Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Meeting History

“Well I am glad that you love your rooms but really it’s too early to be catching up, you all may not need to sleep but regardless of what I am I still do but don’t worry it’ll only be a few hours and then we can talk all you like” I told the Cullen’s who had all gathered around me in the hall

“Ok we’ll let you go to sleep now if you promise to tell us everything later and I do mean everything” Alice said

“And if I say I won’t?” I asked

“Then I guess you won’t be sleeping anytime soon” she said

“My dear Alice it’s not smart to threaten a demon especially one who is now living with and is a member of the volturi” I said slyly

“Well you sure have changed a lot” she said smirking

“I have and you’ll know everything about it once I get my rest and I do mean everything” I said walking away smiling at them

“See you soon” I said leaving the hall that they were standing in and walking to mine but I was stopped suddenly by Jane right when I was about to enter my room.

“Oh hello hun is there something you need?” I asked

“Aro requires your presence in his study, he says that it won’t be long he knows how much you need your sleep” she said and I sighed

“Ok shall we go” I said walking away from the room

“Demitri watch lyric will you” I said quietly knowing he was hanging around close by and I heard my room door open then close.

I walked to Aro’s study not bothering to knock knowing that he already knew I was coming but when I walked in he wasn’t the only one in there, there was another vampire very young with short, blonde hair and striking blue eyes. The blue eyes caught me off guard so far I had never seen a vampire with any other colored eyes than red and gold.

“Kat thank you for coming I know how much you need your sleep but I really wanted you to meet a very dear friend of mine” Aro said and I looked at the other vampire again, it was then that I recognized who he was, history had been one of my favorite subjects and I always paid attention.

King Louis XIII” I said in awe I’m not going to lie I was starstruck right about now I was actually meeting someone who was a part of history, someone who I was told died a very, very long time ago.

“It’s such a pleasure to meet you and please just call me Louis” he said kissing my hand

“He and his coven have just arrived and I thought that they could stay on your side as well, if you don’t mind” Aro said

“Oh no not at all, shall we?” I said quickly smiling and I hurried out of the study and walked into more vampires who I assumed to be the rest of the coven, 3 men and 3 women.

“Hello it’s nice to meet you all, if you would just follow me I’ll show you where you’ll be staying” I said and Louis showed up next to me.

“So tell me my dear what are you?” he asked and I smirked

“Half demon, half vampire my father the vampire my mother the demon” I explained

“Ah that explain your strange scent, what kind of demon may I ask” he said

“A succubus” I said simply

“Are any of you mates?” I asked stopping at a room and the 3 men and woman all nodded

“Lovely then you won’t mind sharing rooms, you 2 can take this room, you 2 in the next and the last 2 next to that” I said they all mumbled a thank you and went into their given rooms

“You Louis will have the room next to mine, so no mate?” I asked as we walked back to my hall

“No haven’t found the right person” he said looking at me with his blue eyes

“So I hope you don’t mind me asking this but why are your eyes blue?” I asked and we stopped outside of his room

“Honestly my dear I don’t know I awoke from my transformation with the same colored eyes I’ve had, I thought it was normal until I met others” he said and I nodded

“Well here is your room, I hope you enjoy it here, I’m next to you if you need anything” I said

“Well as long as you’re so close to me I won’t need anything more” he said flirtatiously taking my hand and kissing it once more and my face got hotter

“Well I shall see you soon” I said my voice shaky

"je ne peux pas attendre pour voir votre beauté à nouveau" he said speaking in his native language and my heart melted, i smiled like an idiot going into my room.

“Someone has a crush” Demitri said

“Oh shut up, thanks for watching Lyric now get out so I can sleep” I said pushing him lightly and he laughed quietly

“You are most welcome, have a nice…nap” he said giving me one last smile and closed my door

I fell back on my bed with a silly smile on my face, I had just met King Louis XIII and he flirted with me and he’s cuter than I would have ever imagine.

‘Life’s good’ I thought giggling and got ready to take my nap wouldn’t want to be too grumpy when I wake again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So i updated yaaaayy!! So we have a new character from the history books King Louis XIII of france woo hoo lol as you can see i didn't take a picture straight from old paintings and books i based my version of King Louis on the 3 musketeers movie King who is adorable and the actor who plays him is even more adorable so yeah:)

If u translate the french you will see that it says "I can't wait to see your beauty again" lol i give google translate props for helping me even if it's not accurate haha

Hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

Song :)